On Top Of The News Email: [emailprotected] website: www.arubatoday.com Tel:+297 582-7800 Tuesday, August 21,2012
Rep. Todd Akin, R-AAo., talks with reporters while attending the Governor's Ham Breakfast at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia, Mo. Akin was keeping a low profile, Monday, Aug. 20,2012, a day after a TV interview in which he said that women's bodies can prevent pregnancies in “a legitimate rape” and that conception is rare in such cases. Both Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, and Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, all but called out Akin to give up his race.
(AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)
© 2012 New York Times
Top Republicans in the Senate moved quickly Monday to nudge Rep. Todd Akin out of his Senate race in Missouri after he made controversial comments about rape, but Akin indicated that he had no in tention of stepping aside. Both Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, and Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, all but called out Akin to give up his race.
In defending his view that abortion should not be
available to women even in cases of rape. Akin had told an interviewer in remarks released Sunday that pregnancies resulting from rape were rare because women’s bodies shut down in a way that prevented pregnancy.
Continued on next page
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
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GOP seeks distance from Akin after rape comment
Continued from front
“If it's a legitimate rape, the female bady has ways ta try to shut the whole thing down,” Akin said.
The comments elicited reactions of outrage from across the political spectrum, including from Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, who called them “insulting, inexcusable and, frankly, wrong.” Speaking by telephone to National Review Online, Romney added, “What he said is entirely without merit, and he should correct it.”
The two Senate Republican leaders went further.
“I recognize that this is a difficult time for him,” Cornyn said in a statement. “But over the next 24 hours. Congressman Akin should carefully consider what is best for him, his family, the Republican Party and the values that he cares about and has fought for throughout his career in public ser vice.”
McConnell called the congressman's comments “totally inexcusable” and “flat wrong,” adding, “I believe he should take time with his family to consider whether this statement will prevent him from effectively representing our party in this critical election.”
At least two other Republican senators - Scott P. Brown of Massachusetts and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin - called for Akin to end his Senate campaign immediately. George Allen, the Republican Senate nominee in Virginia, also condemned Akin’s comments. In perhaps the strongest sign of Republican displeasure with Akin, Karl Rove, who has been spending millions of dollars through Crossroads America on behalf of Republican candidates across the country, indicated that he would pull out of Missouri unless Akin stepped down. The swift rebukes of Akin by
members of his own party were o sign of how important women’s votes ore in many states where Republicans ore in close contests with Democratic challengers. They were also a sign of how desperately Republicans wont a chance to reset the race in Missouri, where Sen. Claire McCcskill has been perceived os one of the most vulnerable Democrats seeking re-election. If Akin left the race quickly. Republicans would hove more time to find another candidate to take his place and mount o new campaign against McCaskill. But appearing Monday afternoon on Mike Huckebee's radio program, Akin, a six-term congressman who is backed by the Tea Party, said he would not drop out.
“I’m not a quitter,” he said. “My belief is we’re going to take this thing forward, and by the grace of God, we’re going to win this race.” Citing John Paul Jones, he
said he hod not yet begun to fight.
But he also backtracked on his comments.
“Rope is never legitimate,” he said. “It’s on evil act that’s committed by violent predators. I used the wrong words in the wrong way.” He added: “I also know that people do become pregnant from rope. I didn’t mean to imply that that wasn’t the cose.” He also said that he wanted to apologize “to those that I hove hurt.”
Nonetheless, his comments exposed o rift in the party over abortion, not least of oil between Romney and his running mate. Rep. Paul D. Ryan. Romney's initial statement said that o Romney-Ryon administration “would not oppose abortion in instances of rope.” Ryan, however, opposes abortion even in coses of rope. The only circumstance in which he approves of it is to save the life of the mother. a
Christian giri’s biasphemy arrest incites furor in Pakistan
DECLAN WALSH SALMAN MASOOD © 2012 New York Times ISLAMABAD_ The arrest and imprisonment of o Christian girl accused of violating Pakistan’s blasphemy lows stoked o public furor Monday, renewing international scrutiny of growing intolerance toward minorities in the country. The police jailed the girl, Rimsha Mosih, and her mother on Friday after hundreds of Muslim protesters surrounded the police station here where they were being held, demanding that Mosih face charges under Pakistan’s blasphemy lows. A local cleric hod said Mosih
hod burned pages of the Noorani Qaida, a religious textbook used to teach the Quran to children.
By Monday night, os Paki stani Muslims celebrated the feast of Id ol-Fitr, Mosih and her mother were being held in Adiolo jail, o grim facility in nearby Rawalpindi,
awaiting their fate. Meanwhile, o number of the girl’s Christian neighbors had fled their homes, fearing for their lives, human rights workers said. Senior government and police officials agreed with Christian leaders that the accusations against Masih were baseless and predicted that the case would ultimately be dropped. Still, the case has already grabbed global headlines and inspired a hail of Twitter posts, even though several details are in dispute. Christian, and some Muslim, neighbors said Masih was 11 years old and had Down syndrome. □
Hackers claim to target UK Justice Ministry website
LONDON (AP) — Britain’s Ministry of Justice said Monday it was looking into disruptions on its website, after online activists claimed they hacked into the site as part of a campaign to back WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
The loosely-organized group of hackers known as Anonymous claimed it was targeting the ministry’s website to protest Britain’s treatment of Assange, who is taking refuge inside Ecuador’s embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden for questioning over sexual misconduct. Ecuador granted the 41-year-old Australian diplomatic asylum last week, but Britain has said it will not grant him safe passage out of the U.K., insisting that it must follow the law and deliver him to Sweden on a binding European arrest warrant.
Assange claims that if Britain extradites him to Swedish authorities, he will be handed over to the U.S. as part of a Washingtonorchestrated plot to make him stand trial in the U.S. for revealing a trove of American diplomatic and military secrets. The U.S. says such claims are “wild assertions” that try to deflect attention from the sexual misconduct allegations Assange faces in Sweden. Anonymous said on Twitter on Monday that it aimed to take down a number of British government websites as part of a campaign called “Qperation Free Assange,” warning: “Gov. of UK expect us!”
The Justice Ministry said its website was “experiencing some disruptions” but that no data has been lost. □
Tuesday, August 21,2012
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8 killed
C. TORCHIA Associated Press ISTANBUL (AP) — A bomb concealed in a vehicle exploded near a police station in southeast Turkey on Monday night, Turkish media reported, killing at least eight people and wounding dozens amid an escalation in fighting between Kurdish rebels and Turkish security forces.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast in Goziontep, near the Syrian border, where tens of thousands of refugees who hove fled the civil war in their country are sheltering in Turkish camps. Kurdish militants are active in the area, and their fight for autonomy in Turkey's predominantly Kurdish southeast has intensified in recent weeks. The Kurdish rebel group PKK often targets military patrols with roadside bombs and ambushes, and it also has a long record of attacks in civilian areas.
Television footage showed firefighters attempting to douse a fierce blaze that gutted several vehicles. Medics assisted a wounded person on a stretcher, and ambulance sirens wailed as bystanders gathered to survey the wreckage. Some angry men chanted slogans against Kurdish rebels and their jailed leader, Abdullah Ocalan.
NTV television said eight people died and as many as 50 were wounded. Turkey's Anadolu news agency reported the some number of dead, and cited 61 wounded. Reports said explosives in the cor, which was parked at a bus stop, were detonated by remote
in bomb near Turkish poiice station
cultural rights to Kurds, who make up some 20 percent of Turkey's population of 75 million, but there is still a great deal of distrust between Ankara and many Kurds.
Turkey also is concerned that the chaos in Syria could lead to a power vacuum that allows Kurdish militants to organize inside Syria to intensify their campaign for self-rule in Turkey's southeast. The Kurdish rebel group PKK already operates from bases in the mountains of northern Iraq, and Turkish jets have periodically conducted bombing raids there.Q
Firefighters seen with burning cars after an explosion near a police station in southern Turkish city of Goziontep, Turkey, late Monday, Aug. 20, 2012. Turkish medio reported at least eight people were killed and dozens were wounded amid on escalation in fighting between Kurdish rebels and Turkish security forces.
(AP Photo/IHA)
control. The blast comes at a delicate time for the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which, along with Western and Arab allies, is seeking the ouster of Syrian President Bashar Assad by assisting the Syrian political opposition. Turkey's foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, was quoted by Hurriyet newspaper on Monday as saying the United Nations should establish refugee camps inside Syria and that his country, already host to nearly 70,000 Syrian refugees, would struggle to cope if the number increases substantially.
Within its borders, the Turkish state has granted more
Jueves 23 de Agosto, 2012 a las 6:00 pm
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Rising Afghan insider attacks imperii US strategy
ROBERT BURNS AP National Security Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama declared Monday he is sticking to his war strategy ot using U.S. troops to advise and mentor Atghan forces, even as a suddenly growing number of Americans are being gunned down by the very Afghans they are training to take on insurgents.
In just the past 10 days, Afghan forces have attacked their coalition partners seven times, killing nine Americans. For the year there have been 32 such incidents, killing 40, compared to 21 attacks killing 35 troops in all of 2011.
“We are deeply concerned about this, from top to bottom,” Obama told a White House news conference. But he said the best approach, with the fewest number of deaths in the long run, would be to stick to the plan for shifting security responsibilities to the Afghans.
“We are transitioning to Afghan security, and for us to train them effectively we are in much closer contact — our troops ore in much closer contact with Afghan troops on an ongoing basis,” Obama said. “Part of what we’ve got to do is to make sure that this model works but it doesn't make our guys more vulnerable.” That vulnerability, however, has been exposed in a strikingly deadly way in recent days.
U.S. officials offer two main theories for why Afghan security forces are turning their weapons on Western
partners: infiltration by the Taliban and o U.S.-Afghan culture clash.
Both of those root causes suggest that the problem may get worse as American and other coalition forces shift further into an adviser/mentor role. And that, in turn, raises questions about U.S. ability to train and shape the Afghans into a force that can stand up to the Taliban insurgency after foreign forces end their combat role in 2014. Jacqueline L. Hozelton, a visiting assistant professor at the University of Rochester, who has extensively studied counterinsurgency strategy, sees the attacks stemming from a combination of Afghan resistance and resentment.
“As disturbing as the attacks ore as a Taliban tactic, the broader popular
anger revealed - among those the mission is supposed to be most closely allied with and most directly useful to - is even more dangerous for the longer term and reveals a greater
rot within,” Hozelton said in an email exchange. Pentagon press secretary George Little sold U.S. officials believe the current approach is solid, despite the surge in attacks.
“In the face of this problem, we remain strongly committed to the strategy we have put in place,” he said. But as the assaults continued through the week, he consulted with his top commander in Kabul and then on Saturday called Afghan President Hamid Karzai to express concern. Obama said Monday he would do the same.
“We've got to moke sure we’re on top of this,” Obama said.
Obama’s Republican election rival, Mitt Romney, said Monday in New Hampshire that the U.S. goal ought to be to “transition from our military to their military as soon as possible,” in a way that prevents Afghanistan from collapsing and reverting to being o launching pod for terrorist attacks on the U.S.Q
President Barack Obama wipes sweat from his forehead while speaking to supporters during a campaign stop in Windham, N.H. President Obama declared Monday he is sticking to his war strategy of using U.S. troops to advise and mentor Afghan forces, even as a suddenly growing number of Americans are being gunned down by the very Afghans they are training to take on insurgents.
(AP Photo/Winslow Townson)
Obama: Chemical weapons in Syria are a ‘red line’
BRADLEY KLAPPER Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama said Monday the U.S. would reconsider its opposition to military involvement in the Syrian civil war if President Bashar Assad’s beleaguered regime deploys or uses chemical or biological weapons. He called such action a “red line” for the United States. Speaking to reporters at the White House, Obama said the use of such weapons of mass destruction would considerably widen a conflict that has already dragged on for a year-and-a-half and killed some 20,000 people, according to activists. Syria possesses extensive chemical and biological weapons stockpiles and has threatened to use them if the country comes under foreign attack. “That’s an issue that doesn’t just concern Syria.
It concerns our close allies in the region, including Israel. It concerns us,” Obama said, also acknowledging the possibility that militant groups might acquire some of those weapons. “We cannot hove a situation where chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people.” The president noted that he has not ordered any armed U.S. intervention yet, but said: “We hove communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region, that that’s a red line for us, and that there would be enormous consequences if we start seeing movement on the chemical weapons front, or the use of chemical weapons. That would change my calculations significantly.”
The remarks outlined for the first time the point at which the administration could feel forced to intervene militarily in Syria’s increasingly messy war, even
if Obama stopped short of saying WMD use would necessarily prompt an American military response.
His administration has been reluctant to get too involved in Syria’s spiraling violence out of fear that it would further militarize the conflict and worsen chances of a political solution. Continued deadlock at the United Nations means there is no clear mandate for the U.S. to help patrol Syrian airspace to stop airstrikes on rebel outposts, as Sen. John McCain and others have urged.
And administration officials insist they know too little about much of Syria’s opposition to start providing them weapons.
In issuing its threat last month, Syria acknowledged for the first time that it has what is believed to be among the biggest chemical and biological weapons programs in the world.Q
Tuesday, August 21,2012
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House member rebuked after nude swim in Israel
JENNIFER STEINHAUER © 2012 New York Times WASHINGTON - They came to town promising something new and different, o fresh reprieve from the antics and proclivities of o “Washington" they disdained.
But during a trip to Israel last summer, several House Republican freshmen engaged in a late-night swim in the Sea of Galilee, complete with one skinny-dipping congressman whose choice threatened to tar
MATTHEW LEE Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The
Obama administration on Monday accused WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of making “wild assertions” about U.S. persecution to deflect attention from sex allegations he faces questioning for in Sweden.
The State Department said Assange's case has nothing to do with the United States or WikiLeaks publication of secret U.S. documents and is solely a matter for Britain, where he is now holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy, as well as Sweden and Ecuador. Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland also berated Ecuador for granting Assange asylum from possible U.S. persecution at its embassy in London. And, she said Ecuador’s attempt to have the Organization of American States take up the matter was a “sideshow." Assange “is making all sorts of wild assertions about us, when, in fact, his issue with the government of the United Kingdom has to do with whether he is going to face
nish the reputation of the House newcomers as superserious number-crunchers who sleep on their office couches and go to bed before midnight.
On a trip billed as a foreign policy fact-finding mission last year, a large group of Republican members of Congress, and some of their staff and family members, decided to take a swim in the sea after a long day.
Several members - including Rep. Steve Southerland
justice in Sweden for something that has nothing to do with Wikileaks." Nuland told reporters. “He is clearly trying to deflect attention away from the real issue, which is whether he is going to face justice in Sweden," she said. “That case has nothing to do with us, it’s a matter between the U.K., Sweden and now Ecuador has inserted itself.”
In a speech from the Ec
II of Florida, who jumped into the water holding hands with his 21-year-old daughter - said they were moved to dip for religious reasons. (The sea is believed by Christians to be the location where Jesus walked on water.)
While most of the members remained clothed, or largely so. Rep. Kevin Yoder of Kansas decided to disrobe entirely,as reported first by Politico on Sunday. This sent most of the members fleeing for the shore.
uadorian embassy on Sunday, Assange proclaimed himself the victim of an American “witch hunt” that he urged President Barack Obama to renounce.
“The United States must vow that it will not seek to prosecute our staff or our supporters,” Assange said, referring specifically to Pfc. Bradley Manning, who awaits trial in the scandal. □
Freshman U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder, 36, of Kansas has apologized for embarrassing his supporters by swimming naked af fhe holy sife of fhe Sea of Galilee while on a facffinding mission fo Israel. (Phofo)
said a participant, and prompted a harsh rebuke the next day fromRep. Eric Cantor, the House majority leader who was on the trip but did not swim in the sea. More than 80 members of the House went on the trip, which was arranged by Cantor, as guests of the American Israel Education Foundation, a charity affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a pro-Israel lobbying group. It was believed to bethe largest number
of members of Congress to make the tripduring a single recess, according to the organizers at the time. Cantor’s comments were made to the entire traveling group, said one person there, saying that members should not detract from the trip’s mission.
While swimming in that sea is inoffensive to Israelis - indeed, there is an annual race in that body of water _Yoder’s nudity, as well as possible over imbibing by some members that evening at the restaurant near the beach where they swam, angered Cantor, who believed it distracted from their foreign policy mission.
“Twelve months ago,” said Douglas Heye, a spokesman for Cantor, “the congressman dealt with this immediately and effectively to ensure such activities would not take place in the future.”
House Speaker John A. Boehner, who has struggled for two years to keep some House freshmen in line, appeared to concur.G
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us claims Assange trying to distract public from sex case
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
ms. NEWS
Tampa's strip club king weighs in on RNC convention
Associated Press TAMPA, Florida (AP) —Tampa, the city where Republicans will gather next week to nominate Mitt Romney as their presidential candidate is known for its cigars, the rollercoasters at Busch Gardens and for its naked ladies.
The man who almost singlehandedly made Tampa’s adult entertainment world famous is Joe Redner, a wiry 72-year-old with a bemused smile and skeptical brown eyes who owns what is arguably the most notorious of Tampa's allnude clubs: Mons Venus. The club — located less than 6 miles (10 kilometers) from where the Republicans will gather for their national convention — isn’t much to look at. The blueand-purple building sits on a busy stretch of road next to a Taco Bell and near where the NFL champion Buccaneers play home games. There’s a sign outside that says “Home of the Most Beautiful Women in the World," and another: “Live NUDE Shows.”
“I don’t expect the RNC to be as busy as Super Bowl,” Redner said, referring to the Republican National Convention. “I don’t think those people are coming to party.”
Redner started the club 30 years ago. Back then, according to him, his main pursuits were “drinking, philandering and snorting cocaine.”
He knew nothing about business or politics. But over the decades, he stopped drinking and doing drugs.
became a vegan, a businessman and a politician. Like-minded progressive activists have called him a “folk hero,” while his enemies have called him a “pimp.”
Over time, he’s opened three other nude clubs (he no longer owns them), a fitness club (he sold that too), and has run for various local offices nine times (he’s never won, although he did offer free lap dances to anyone who showed up at The Mons with an “I Voted” sticker as part of his campaign). At one point, the Tampa Bay Times reported that he was worth $18 million. He has a deep box of yellowing newspaper clippings from around the
world, chronicling his outspoken, and some would say outrageous, views.
“The clubs in Tampa wouldn’t have notoriety if it wasn’t for Joe,” said Don Kleinhans, the co-owner of
2001 Odyssey, a strip club across the street from Mons Venus that’s notable for its large, silver spaceship where patrons can obtain expensive, and more personal, lap dances. “He just has strong beliefs in his rights and his freedoms." Redner says his biggest accomplishment has been in the battles he’s waged against local, state and federal governments — some successful, others not. After opening his first strip club — Redner prefers the
term “adult entertainment” — he was arrested 36 times on obscenity charges by officials. He claimed that it was his First Amendment right to operate the club.
In 2000, Redner vehemently opposed the so-called “six-foot rule," a county ordinance preventing adult entertainers from coming within six feet (two meters) of their clients. The rule is still on the books, but isn’t enforced.
In 2005, when Hillsborough County commissioners voted to ban the county from participating in or acknowledging gay pride events, Redner filed a discrimination lawsuit against the city. He also dropped a bombshell within the lawsuit, which required him as plaintiff to show a personal connection to the case: He is gay. The lawsuit was settled in 2007, and the county reworded the policy so it shall not “be construed to prevent citizens from exercising their First Amendment rights in an appropriate forum.”
Earlier this year, Redner was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. He thinks it’s from all the marijuana he’s smoked over the years, a habit that he says he’s quit. Radiation was successful, he said, showing a reporter before and after X-rays of a spot on his lung.
He never worried about dying, he said. People would tell him that they were praying for his recovery. His answer: don’t bother.
“They say there are no atheists in foxholes,” he said. “I’m one.”a
Judge says Vatican isn’t priests’ boss
NIGEL DUARA Associated Press PORTLAND, Oregon (AP) —
The Vatican won a major victory Monday in an Oregon federal courtroom, where a judge ruled that the Holy See is not the employer of molester priests. The decision by U.S. District Court Judge Michael Mosman ends a six-year question in the decade-old case and could shield the Vatican from possible monetary damages.
The original lawsuit was filed in 2002 by a Seattle-area man who said the Rev. Andrew Ronan repeatedly molested him in the late 1960s.
The plaintiffs tried to show that Ronan and all priests are employees of the Vatican and it is therefore liable for their actions. Mosman made a previous decision strictly on legal theory and determined that if all the facts in the case were true, then the Vatican would indeed by Ronan’s employer. But on Monday, Mosman said he looked at the facts in the case and made his decision. “There are no facts to create a true employment relationship between Ronan and the Holy See,” Mosman said in his ruling from the bench.
Plaintiff’s attorney Jeff Anderson said he will appeal the decision.
“While we’re disappointed of course, we’re not discouraged,” Anderson said.
Owner Joe Redner poses for a photo at his “Mons Venus” adult club in Tampa, Fla. The club _ located less than 6 miles from where the Republicans will gather to nominate tormer Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as their presidential candidate _ was opened 30 years ago by Redner, who almost single-handedly made Tampa's adult entertainment world famous.
(AP Photo/Chris O’Meara)
Tuesday, August 21,2012
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US airman G. Hickman dies at 88
PHUONG LE Associated Press SEATTLE (AP) — George Hickman, one of the original African-American airmen, has died af age 88.
His wife, Doris, confirmed Monday that he died early Sunday morning in Seattle. Hickman was one of the first black military pilots and ground crew, known as Tuskegee airmen, who fought in World War II.
In 2007, he and other Tuskegee airmen traveled to Washington, to receive the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest U.S. civilian honor. In 2009, he attended President Barack Obama's inauguration as a special guest.
Hickman was a fixture at Seattle sporting events. He personalized the often anonymous job of ushering fans to their seats, and most regulars to UW basketball and football games knew him by first name. He was perhaps the best known person at Husky Stadium.
In this undated handout photo provided by George Hickman, Hickman is shown in the cockpit of on AT-6 trainer oirpione in Tuskegee, Aio. Hickman, one of the original Tuskegee Airmen, died Sunday, Aug. 19, 2012 in Seattle. He was 88.
(AP Photo/Courtesy George Hickman)
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University of Washington football coach Steve Sarkisian also tweeted: “He represented the UW and the Tuskegee Airmen with class. I will always appreciate how he treated my family.” “He was just a wonderful man,” Doris Hickman said Monday of her husband. The grandson of slaves, Hickman nurtured an interest in aviation as a curious boy gazing up at the sky above St. Louis.
That passion evolved from buying cheap model airplanes to joining the segregated pilot training pro gram in Tuskegee, Alabama, and later to a nearly three-decade long career at Boeing in Seattle.
He served in the Army Air Corps from 1943-45, which trained African-Americans to fly and maintain combat aircraft, and was part of the graduating class of 1944, according to an Army profile.
“There was nothing better in the world. In that biplane, the guy wires between the wings were like musical instruments,” he told the News Tribune of Tacoma in a 2011 interview. □
Tuesday August21 2oll|WORLD NEWS _
Germany reiterates Greece’s need to comply
GEIR MOULSON Associated Press BERLIN (AP) — Europe's leaders are gearing up far a high-stakes week of financial diplomacy that could determine Greece’s future — and the stability of the 17 countries that use the euro.
The first round of the talks began Monday when Germany's fareign minister, Guido Westerwelle, hosted his Greek counterpart, Dimitris Avramapoulos, ahead at a meeting in Berlin an Friday between their countries' leaders. Chancellor Angela Merkel and new Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.
French President Francois Hollande visits Berlin on Thursday far discussians with Merkel and then will meet Samaras in Paris on Saturday. Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembcurg prime minister whc chairs the eurozone finance ministers’ meetings, is due in Athens Wednesday. Meanwhile, Greece’s finance officials were working to hammer out €11.5 billion ($14.19 billion) in spending cuts necessary for it to con GILLIAN WONG Associated Press HEFEI, China (AP) — The wife of a disgraced Chinese politician received a suspended death sentence Monday far the murder af a British businessman, as authorities move to tidy up a huge political scandal ahead at a once-ina-decade leadership transition this fall.
Gu Kailai's sentencing clears the way for the ruling Communist Party to deal with her husband. Bo Xilai, who was formerly one of China’s most prominent politicians befare being stripped of his Politburo post in the scandal. Bo has not been directly implicated in the murder at Neil Heywood, but is accused of unspecified grave violations of party discipline.
“They are eager to close the case and move on,” said Dali Yang, director of the University of Chicago Center in Beijing.
Gu’s suspended sentence will almost certainly be commuted to life in prison after
tinue receiving the internaticnal funding that is pratecting it from bankruptcy.
The eurozone is awaiting a report, expected next month, on Greece’s progress in implementing reforms and austerity measures demanded in exchange far two massive bailout packages. The report is being compiled by the so-called “traika” — representatives at the
two years, a relatively lenient punishment resulting tram her caaperation with investigators and what the court deemed
her mental instability at the time af Heywaod’s death by cyanide paison
European Unian, Eurapean Central Bank and International Manetary Fund. Greece has been depen dent on two multi-billion international bailouts from other eurozone countries and the IMF since its debt crisis broke in 2010. But despite taking a series of harsh austerity measures that saw salaries and pensions slashed and repeated raunds at tax hikes, the results have net been what
ing last November.
Family aide Zhang Xiaojun, accused of abetting the murder, was sentenced to nine years, Hefei Intermedi ate People’s Court official Tang Yigan tald reparters. Ba was nat called as a wit
Eurapean and Greek officials haped far.
The cauntry has fallen behind an implementing the refarms and austerity measures, fueling impatience in Germany and other eurozone countries. Should the troika’s report find that Greece has not been meeting its bailout commitments, the country could face the prospect of having its funding cut off.
This would force the country into a chaotic default on its debts and eventually out of the eurozone — a move that would further destabilize the currency bloc and threaten the economies of countries such as the U.S. and China.
Samaras’ fragile threeparty caalitian government, formed after two elections in May and June, has said it hopes to renegotiate parts of the unpopular bailout conditions, mainly seeking an extension in the two-year austerity deadline. □
ness in the Gu trial and neither the verdict ncr the evidence presented made any mentian of him. The charges against Gu and Zhang also scrupulously avoided any mention of corruption or abuse of power, serving to shield the party’s image from damage.
Four policemen accused of covering up the crime were given sentences from five to 11 years.
State media say Gu, 53, confessed to intentional hamicide at a one-day trial held in this eastern China city on Aug. 9. The media reports — the court has been closed to international media — say she and Heywood had a dispute over money and Heywaad allegedly threatened her son. State media said the two feuded after Heywaad asked far a multi-millian dollar commissian on a real estate venture that had gone bad.Q
Libya: Gadhafi’s son’s trial in September
ESSAM MOHAMMED Associated Press TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Libya will put depased dictatar Moammar Gadhafi’s son on trial, defying a demand by the International Criminal Court, the Libyan representative to the Hague court said Monday.
Ahmed al-Jehani said the trial at Seif al-lslam Gadhafi will begin next manth. One passible venue is Zintan, a town in the western mountains, where he is being held. Seif al-lslam Gadhafi was considered his father’s political heir. The ICC issued an arrest warrant and demanded to try him on war crimes. Libya has argued that its new regime should try him. Seif al-lslam Gadhafi was captured last year by a militia tram the western mauntain town of Zintan, where he has been held ever since. A Zintan militia has been holding Gadhafi. Local spokesman Khaled al-Zintani said Monday a government delegation inspected the town, and a decision on whether to try him there will be made later.
The ICC has expressed concern that Libya is nat set up to give the younger Gadhafi a fair trial. During his four decades of rule, Moammar Gadhafi dismantled most institutions, setting himself up as the sole ruler.
After Gadhafi’s overthrow, capture and killing last year, interim rulers struggled to unite the country, leaving pawerful militias and tribes in cantrol of various areas. A newly elected parliament is working on appointing a Cabinet after choosing a president. Among its main tasks is to build a functioning judiciary.
Libya has insisted that it is capable of putting on a proper trial for Seif al-lslam Gadhafi. He has expressed a preference tc be extradited to the Hague for trial. Alsa Monday, a small bamb hit a vehicle of an Egyptian diplomat in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi. No one was hurt. □
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerweiie right and his counterpart from Greece, Dimitris Avramopuios, ieft, wave fareweii after a joint press conference as part of a meeting at the foreign office in Beriin, Germany, Monday, Aug. 20, 2012.
(AP Photo/Michaei Sohn)
Wife of disgraced Chinese poiitician sentenced
He Zhengsheng, the famiiy iawyer of British businessman Neii Heywood, speaks to the media, Monday, Aug. 20, 2012 in Hefei, Anhui Province, China. The wife of a disgraced Chinese poiitician received a suspended death sentence Monday for the murder of a British businessman, as authorities move to tidy up a huge poiiticai scandai ahead of a once-in-a-decade ieadership transition this faii.
(AP Photo/Andy Wong)
Tuesday, August 21,2012
25 killed, dozens wounded in Venezuela prison riot
Relatives of a inmate cry while waiting for information outside Yare I prison in San Francisco de Yare, Venezuela, Monday, Aug. 20, 2012. More than 20 people were killed in a prison riot last Sunday as two groups of inmates waged a gun-battle inside the penitentiary, Venezuelan officials said Monday.
(AP Photo/Fernando Llano)
New parliament, no presidential vote in Somalia
FABIOLA SANCHEZ Associated Press CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)
— Twenty-five people were killed during a prison riot and dozens were wounded when two groups of inmates waged a gunbattle inside the penitentiary while hundreds of relatives were visiting, Venezuelan officials said Monday.
The violence erupted at Yare I prison south of Caracas on Sunday, and at least ane of those slain was a relative of an inmate, said Iris Varela, the government’s prisons minister.
It was the latest and deadliest in a series at blaady clashes that have flared in Venezuela’s overcrowded prisons and become a major problem for President Hugo Chavez’s government.
Varela told state television Monday afternoan that 17 at the 25 dead had been identified sa far. She said same at them had been shot multiple times in the head. Forty-three other people were wounded, including 29 inmates and 14 visiting relatives, Varela said. About 900 women who were at the prison to see inmates when the fighting brake aut were still inside, she said. It wasn’t immediately clear why they weren’t earning out.
Varela indicated the situation had stabilized by Monday morning and said au
— Somalia’s chief justice on Monday swore in 215 new members of parliament, an accomplishment but one that fell far shart of U.N. hopes that the Harn of Africa natian wauld seat a full 275-member parliament that would vote in a new president.
Monday — the last day of eight years of Somalia’s U.N.-backed Transitional Federal Government — was the day by which the U.N. repeatedly said a new president would be
in place. But political bickering, violent threats and seat-buying schemes delayed progress, guaranteeing the day would come and go with no new leader in place. Nonetheless, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Kimaon congratulated the people of Somalia “an reaching this watershed mament an their read to peace, stability and political transformation,” U.N. deputy spokesman Eduardo del Buey said.
He urged clan elders to complete the seating of all parliament members within a few days and called an the new parliamentarians
thorities planned to talk with inmates “to try to impose order there.” The mother of one prisoner said armed inmates still held the facility. Varela said those behind the killings “are gaing ta have to answer for this.” She didn’t provide details about how the inmate’s relative died.
Carlos Nieto, an activist who monitors human rights in Venezuelan prisons, said the gunbattle lasted about four hours and invalved graups fighting far contral. Yajaira Marroy, the mather of a 27-year-old inmate at the prison, said her son suffered a gunshot wound in a leg and had been trying to
to prepare for elections of a speaker and president so that the country’s political transition can be completed promptly and peacefully “in an environment free from intimidation,” del Buey said. “The Samali people have waited 20 years for peace tc take raat in their country,” the secretarygeneral’s spakesman said. Somalia has seen much progress over the last year. Al-Shabab militants were forced out of Mogadishu in August 2011, allowing businesses to thrive and the arts
help a relative of another inmate wha was waunded and then died. She said her son managed ta reach a guard post and was taken to a hospital.
Morray said during a telephone interview that the situation inside the prison had calmed and that some relatives who had been stranded inside were able to come out. But she said that armed inmates were still in contral at the facility and that National Guard traops had nat gone inside. Nieto said the riat shews that the “most serious prison problem, the weapons possessed by inmates, hasn’t been solved. ”□
and sports to return. However, Mogadishu politics remains an ugly business, as it did in 1991, when the country’s last legitimate president was ousted and the country spiraled inta blaody chaas. The International Crisis Graup think tank said the current pclitical process has been as undemacratic as the Transitional Federal Government structure it seeks to replace, “with unprecedented levels of political interference, corruption and intimidation.” □
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Argentina powerbrokers propose new electoral lows
MICHAEL WARREN Associated Press BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Argentina is rethinking what it means to be a citizen, proposing radical changes that would have both foreigners and 16-year-olds vote to determine who should run the country.
President Cristina Fernandez's legislative powerbrokers soy the proposed electoral lows will enhance democracy and challenge the world to treat voting as a universal human right. Opponents call it a naked attempt to prolong the power of a decade-old
government that has showered public money on migrants and young people. With approval likely in a Congress controlled by the president’s allies, the lows would expand Argentina’s electorate by 3 million voters, or roughly 10 percent, and moke it among the world's most permissive countries in terms of voting rights, allowing foreigners with two years of permanent residency to cost ballots. “It’s very important — there ore so many of us here in Buenos Aires,” sold thrilled migrant Karen Gonzalez, o 48-year-old nanny whose family now includes
two grandchildren in her adopted city. “I've been here for more than 20 years and I love Argentina.
I’m Paraguayan and I love my country, too, but I owe so much to Argentina, so I wont to vote.”
While welcoming immigrants into polling stations would odd 1 million voters, lowering the voting age from 18 to 16 would odd 2 million more.
Very few nations trust people still in their adolescence to help choose their nation’s leaders.
Austria, Brazil, Cuba and Nicaragua also start voting at age 16.Q
Young supporters of Argentina’s President Cristina Fernandez in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Argentina is rethinking what it means to be a citizen, proposing changes that would let both foreigners and 16-year-olds vote to determine who should run the country. Argentina holds congressional elections in 2013 and presidential elections in 2015.
(AP Photo/Eduardo Di Boio)
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Nyad steady in Cuba-Florida record swimming attempt
-Ay —
Endurance swimmer Diana Nyad is hydrated by a crew member in the Florida Straits between Cuba and the Florida Keys Monday, Aug. 20, 2012. After being delayed by a weather squall line late Sunday night and early Monday morning, her team reported that Nyad was back on course in her effort to be the first swimmer to transit the Florida Straits from Cuba to the Keys without a shark cage.
(AP Photo/Christi Barli)
PETER ORSI Associated Press HAVANA (AP) — Endurance athlete Diana Nyad forged ahead in the Straits of Florida with renewed vigor Sunday in pursuit of o record 103-mile (166-kilometer), unassisted swim in open waters without the aid of o shark cage.
The 62-year-old Los Angeles woman was said to be comfortable, confident and steady at around 50 strokes per minute otter o harrowing Saturday night of painful jellyfish encounters — despite on improved bodysuit that she hod hoped would offer better protection.
Nyad was stung four times on the neck, lips, hand and forehead, according to members of her 50-member crew who updated tons through social medio. “Today is more like swim ming,” one member quoted her os saying, via Twitter. “I don’t know what you would coll lost night... probably surviving.”
Sunday night, her team reported when she passed the 28-hour mark, but gave no details on the distance she hod traveled. □
WORLD NEWSIIU , August 21,2012
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Holiday airstrikes, shelling kill near 100 in Syria
BEN HUBBARD Associated Press TEL RIFAT, Syria (AP) — Government forces pummeled the battered city of Aleppo with airstrikes and tanks and shelled parts of Damascus and sauthern Syria Manday, killing at least 100 people during a major Muslim holiday, rights groups and activists said.
The violence escalated dramatically after a oneday lull on Sunday, the start of the three-day Eid al-Fitr holiday which marks the end at the haly month of Ramadan.
The renewed fighting showed President Bashar Assad's regime is not letting up on its drive to quell the 17-month-old uprising out of respect for the occasion. In Washington, President Barack Obama said U.S. thinking on military invalvement in Syria would change if chemical ar bialagical weapans came inta play in the civil war. He tald reparters the use of such weapons of mass destruction would widen the conflict considerably.
“It doesn't just include Syria. It would concern allies in the region, including Israel, and it would concern us,” Obama said, warning the Assad regime and “other players an the ground” that the use or movement of such weapons would be a “red line" for the United States.
The U.S. has been reluctant to intervene militarily so far. Last month, the Syrian regime confirmed for the first time that it possessed chemical weapons by threatening ta use them in case at any foreign aggression. The warning was seen
as a sign of desperation as Assad's grip on power slipped. It came shortly after rebels assassinated four of the president's top security officials, the biggest blew ta the regime in the entire uprising.
Since the holiday began an Sunday, an air at gloam has blanketed the nation and activists said there have been no signs of jubilation.
Adding to the despair, two main activist groups — The Syrian Observatary far Human Rights and the Local Caordination Cammittees — said that 12 badies shat executian style were faund in the Qabaun district in the capital Damascus.
Activist Omar al-Khani said the bodies, which included two children, were found on the side of a road with clear signs of torture on their bodies. Some were naked, others handcuffed. The discovery of bodies in similar condition is not uncommon in Syria, particu larly in the last few months as the uprising descended into a civil war with heavy sectarian undertones.
Most of the deaths Manday were a result at tank and mortar shelling as well as clashes in the Damascus suburbs of Daraya and
Moadamiyeh, where some activists reported the regime used helicopter gunships.
The Observatory and athers said up ta 31 people were killed.
An activist, El-Said Mohammed, said some 30 troops
along with a tank defected to the rebels' side in Moadamiyeh on Sunday, which may have been the reason for Monday's shelling. Mahammed spoke by Skype from the Damascus area. His infarmatian could not be verified. □
Syrian boys fetching water in a wheeibarrow iook at a destroyed Syrian tank near a damaged mosque in the city of Azaz, Syria, on Monday, Aug. 20, 2012.
(AP Photo/Ben Hubbard)
Egypt’s DM vows to crack down on militants
ASHRAF SWEILAM Associated Press EL-ARISH, Egypt (AP) —
Egypt's new defense minister pledged Monday ta crack down on militants in the largely lawless Sinai Peninsula, affering to pay Bedouins to collect weapons.
Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi visited the Sinai Monday for the first time since taking office in the aftermath of a bloody raid blamed on Islamist militants. Dozens stormed an Egyptian past an the Egypt-Gaza-lsrael
border on Aug. 6, killing 16 Egyptian soldiers. Then the attackers stole military vehicles and crashed through a checkpoint into Israel, where Israeli forces stopped them.
According to Egypt's official news agency and a tribal leader wha met with him, el-Sissi listened to complaints from the Bedouins, especially about smuggling through an elaborate tunnels network between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. Besides the offer of rewards for collecting weapons, El-Sissi told a gathering at
leaders that the government has allocated 1 billion Egyptian pounds ($165 million) for Sinai development. The tribal leader requested anonymity because he was nat authorized to talk ta reparters. In the wake of the Aug. 6 attack, Egyptian President Mahammed Marsi retired his defense minister and army commander, a move seen as a bold stroke in the Islamist leader's power struggle with the military. El-Sissi was appainted defense minister to replace Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, who headed
the military council that ran Egypt after last year's uprising toppled longtime President Hosni Mubarak.
The Sinai has been a trouble spot since the uprising because of disarray in Egypt's security forces. Egypt also blames limitations under the 1979 peace treaty with Israel over the type and number of forces in the border area.
Israel has complained about the growing strength of Islamist militants in Sinai and has quietly authorized Egypt to send several thousand saldiers in. □
Tuesday August21 a^illWORLD NEWS
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Iraqis wait to see gains from country’s oil boom
ADAM SCHRECK Associated Press BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq is fast becaming an ail producing powerhouse, but you'd never know that by looking at the faded Unknown Soldier gas station in downtown Baghdad. There's no repair garage or mini-mart, just a cramped office with tattered vinyl couches. Horns blare os a string of waiting cars backs up into busy Sadoun Street, slowing traffic.
Electricity from the power grid is available only for a few hours a day, so a noisy generator burns through 200 liters (53 gallons) of fuel daily just to keep the lights on and pumps running. That eats into what little profit is left over after government-imposed price cops, says manager Anmor Abdul-Sottar.
Like many Iraqis, he sees little reason to celebrate the postwar petroleum gains that have turned Iraq into a leading oil producer. “The country is increasing its oil revenues, but we're not feeling it on the ground," he said.
It’s a widely shared sentiment. Frequent power cuts, the state’s inability to prevent near-doily bloodshed and yawning gaps in basic services have left ordinary Iraqis convinced they are sharing little in the country's growing oil wealth. In surgent attacks hove killed more than 200 people just since the start of this month. “There is no electricity, no public services. No respect for the people of Iraq,” Mohammed Salem said as he gassed up his taxi at the station, which is named after a monument that once stood nearby. The billions being made off Iraq's oil, Salem believes, are simply “being stolen by government officials and sent to banks outside of Iraq."
Iraq lost month crept into second place behind Saudi Arabia among OPEC’s top oil exporters, according to the latest figures from the International Energy Agency. The shift marks a symbolic victory over neighboring Iran, long the bloc's No. 2 .
The rise stems from a steady increase in Iraqi output and the effect of international sanctions that are crimping Iran's ability to market its own crude. Foreign oil majors such as Exxon Mobil Corp. and BP PLC have been brought in to develop Iraq's vast oil fields, and new export facilities are coming online.
The architect of Iraq's postwar energy policy. Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani, is proud of the country's achievement. He recently boasted that Iraq is now pumping 3.2 million barrels
a day, a figure that also puts it ahead of oil-rich Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
The difference is that citizens of those nearby countries enjoy income levels, pensions and standards of health core for higher than their Iraqi counterparts. Their modern metropolises
DALE GAVLAK Associated Press AMMAN, Jordan (AP) —
Jordan has sharply protested to Syria for artillery shelling that wounded a girl in a border village and panicked other civilians. Information Minister Sameeh Maaytah said Monday.
The Syrian ambassador to Jordan rebuffed a summons to the Foreign Ministry to receive a written protest, sending his deputy instead, officials said.
Late Sunday, four shells landed in Jordan’s north during clashes between the Syrian military and rebel forces on the Syrian side, wounding a 4-year-old girl.
— which in the UAE's cose host some of the tallest and most innovative buildings in the world — bear little re
(AP Photo / Karim Kadim)
semblance to crumbling, concrete Baghdad and other strained Iraqi cities. Embittered Iraqis ore acutely aware of the disparity. Many blame not the United States or inter
She was reported in fair condition Monday. Four others were treated briefly after suffering panic attacks, Maaytah said. Maaytah said Jordan denounced the incident and “will ensure this does not happen again.” He did not say how.
Last month, Syrian troops killed a 6-year-old Syrian boy fleeing to Jordan with his family.
Maaytah said the government summoned Syrian Ambassador Bahjat Suleiman to hand him the letter of protest late Sunday. Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh said on his Twitter account late Sunday that
national oil companies, but a government they see as ineffective and corrupt. “Go ask the government why we are living like this. It was better under Saddam,” said Ahmed Saadi, another driver filling his tank at the gas station, referring to dictator Saddam Hussein, deposed after the American-led invasion in 2003. “They said they were going to distribute the oil money to the people in a fairway. It didn’t happen." Official government figures indicate 11 percent of Iraqis were unemployed at the end of last year, according to Planning Ministry spokesman Abdul-Zahra Hendawi. Another 25 percent ore considered underemployed, suggesting they are unable to find steady, full-time jobs that meet their needs. Other Iraqi officials have quoted higher jobless numbers.
The gaps in services are obvious in some of Iraq’s poorest areas.
the ambassador declined to report for the meeting, claiming he was busy. Judeh said a “stern warning” was given to his deputy. The text of the letter was not made public.
The affair underlines growing tensions between the two neighbors against the background of Syria's civil war. More than 150,000 Syrian refugees ore in Jordan. The presence of thousands in a squalid desert tent comp near the border is seen as an embarrassment to Syrian President Bashar Assad, illustrating that people are fleeing his military’s onslaught against his own people.
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Iraqis have access to liquid gas cylinders in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012. Iraq is fast becoming an oil producing powerhouse, but many Iraqis see little reason to celebrate the postwar petroleum gains that have turned Iraq into a leading oil producer.
Jordan protests border shelling
Tuesday, August 21,2012
Casual Caribbean charm awaits at the Gran Cafe Tropical!
ORANJESTAD- Gran Cafe Tropical is best known for being a hofspof during the weekends for all those who wont o fun and exciting place to hong out and relax. Karaoke nights as well as live entertainment are regular features at the Gran Cafe Tropical. This past weekend played host to a Cuban Night, where the best musicians on Aruba came together and created a fabulous atmosphere for all tourists and locals visiting the Grand Cafe Tropical. Situated across from the Seaport Casino, the enthusiastic employees of the Grand Cafe Tropical are waiting for you to serve you the best cappuccinos and ice cold beers, while you enjoy a great tropical atmosphere. Cuban Night’s fun at the Cafe Tropical, situated at the Seaport Market Place, is featured in the photos: Come and enjoylQ
CHAR7-CCAS-CyVILF Joint meeting:
CCAS HIV/AIDS Workshop for the 1st time in Aruba
Alt;A[N5T HIV 4i AlUS
ORANJESTAD - During the week of 26-30 August 2012 Aruba, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sport, will be hosting an internationally HIV/AIDS workshop.
This annual workshop is a joint meeting consisting of a partnership between the Caribbean Cytometry & Analytical Society (CCAS), the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training (CHART) network and the Caribbean Med Labs Foundation.
In 2010, an estimated 34 million people were living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This implicates that the fight against HIV has to continue. The theme of this year's meeting “Combination HIV Prevention in the Caribbean: synergy between Laboratory, Clinician, Counselor and Community” will address this fight by empha sizing the important role of health care stake holders in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, care and support in our region.
Through the broad spectrum of presentations by international experts combined with the different island experiences and sharing of best practices the regional laboratory network and capacity building will
be strengthen. This network will be an important cornerstone in the prevention of HIV cases and the monitoring and treat ment of HIV/AIDS patients in our region. The ultimate goal of all efforts will be the achievement of zero HIV transmission.
Aruba welcomes all delegates and participants in this exciting workshop.Q
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Delicate pieces from Louis Vuiffon’s collection
Celebrities stepping out in style
Having drawn inspiration from far away horizons and distant cultures, L'Ame du Voyage, the high jewelry collection designed by Lorenz Bdumer for Louis Vuitton, returns to its home in Paris. Taking its cue from the world's most celebrated promenade, the
house’s third collection of high jewelry starts at the Arc de Triomphe and meanders toward the Tuileries, picking up on the sense of discovery and wonder the young Louis Vuitton must hove experienced os he approached Place Vendome, just o stone’s throw from the Rue
Neuve des Capucines, where he opened his first boutique in 1854. From its debut, Louis Vuitton’s high jewelry collections hove been o favorite of celebrities on the Red Carpet and at other special occasions.
Some of world’s most prominent actresses and super models ore among those
spotted recently showing off some of the amazing, fine pieces from Louis Vuitton’s most recent high jewelry collection.
Champs Elysees’ enchanting spectacle of lights with the Arc de Triomphe, the architecture of the mesmerizing Place de lo Concorde fountains and the terraces of the Musee de I'Orangerie, the glass roof of the new Gore d’Orsoy train station, the river below and o large fountain in the Tuileries, os well os
Place Vendome, among others, served os inspiration for the delicate designs.
The final set of this third collection mops out the majestic architecture of Paris in diamonds. A gradated palette of yellow diamonds evokes the thrill of daybreak in the City of Light, while Louis Vuitton-cut diamonds pave the way from the Place de L’Etoile to the Place de lo Concorde and of course the Place Vendome, where number 23 is now home to the first store dedicated exclusively to Louis Vuitton jewelry and watches. □
Tuesday, August 21,2012
Starbucks spoils clients of Gas Shabururi
ORANJESTAD:- Starbucks recently received a special visit from clients ot Cas Shabururi. Betore enjoying a movie at The Cinema's the clients passed by Starbucks Renaissance Marketplace to enjoy a refreshing Iced Shaken Passion Lemon Tea.
Starbucks is well known to Cas Shabururi; during the ‘Global Month of Services' Starbucks visited Cos Shabururi to plant and clean the garden together with the clients. Starbucks employees were really surprised by seeing how active the clients are and even more delighted to know that some of them were part of the Special Olympics and won various medals for Aruba. Starbucks baristas at Renaissance Marketplace spend some enjoyable time with the clients of Cos Shabururi. Seeing smiles on the youngsters' faces filled the Starbucks staff with total satisfaction and at the some time served os a reminder on how important it is to spend quality time with our special loved ones. □
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Every Tuesday Night in Oranjesfad:
Enjoy Aruba’s Cultural Entertainment at the Bon Bin! Festival!
The island of Aruba invites you to come and enjoy our cultural richness through music, dance & costume at the Bon Bini Festival, held weekly at historic Fort Zoutman in the downtown of OranjestadI For your entertainment pleasure and some fantastic photo opportunities.
tonight the Bon Bini Festival will feature the following: Caha di orgel (cylinder box) by "NOS CULTURA", Dance Performance by "THE BONBINI DANCERS", Folkloric Music by "TIPICO AMICALES", Soloist performance by "SHARON ROSE", and Brass Band performance by "TBS." Also
featured as always will be traditional local Arts and Cratts, os well os Local Cuisine! The Bon Bini Festival opens its doors at 6:30pm, with the entertainment beginning at 7:00pm straight through to 8:30pm. Entrance fee for the festival is US$ 5.00. □
Catch your own dinner with Driftwood!
Moffo af Driftwood Restaurant: “From the pier to your plate!"
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In this Dec. 27, 2009 photo. New England Patriots linebacker Junior Seau (55) stands on the side lines against the Jacksonville Jaguars during an NFL football game in Foxborough, Mass.
Associated Press
No alcohol, illegal drugs found in Seau’s system
Associated Press SAN DIEGO (AP) — No alcohol or illegal drugs were found in Junior Seau's system when he shot and killed himself at his home in May, authorities said Monday.
The full autopsy results were released by the San Diego County medical examiner's office in a 16-page report for the former NFL linebacker who was found by his girlfriend with a single gunshot wound to his chest. Seau did have Zolpidem, often found in the sleeping aid Ambien, and traces of the anti-inflammatory drug naproxen in his system when he died that were “consistent with therapeutic use,” wrote Deputy Medical Examiner Craig Nelson.
The autopsy showed no underlying hemorrhaging or contusions on Seau’s brain, which appeared to be normal. His family has donated some of his brain tissue for research amid questions about whether any damage from his 20-year football career played some factor in his suicide. □
(EQ ,(li@ IKHli] opsm
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
WNBA Roundup
Silver Stars rout Mercury for 11th straight win
Minnesota Lynx guard Lindsay Whalen (13) goes up to the basket against Tulsa Shock forward Glory Johnson (25) in the second half of a WNBA basketball game, Sunday, Aug. 19, 2012, in Minneapolis. The Lynx won 83-59.
Associated Press
PHOENIX (AP) — Becky Hammon scored 13 of her 19 points in the first half to lead the San Antonio Silver Stars past Phoenix 89-47 on Sunday, extending their club-best winning streak to 11 games and handing the Mercury their worst loss. Hammon, a member of the Russian Olympic team that lost in the bronze-medal game to Australia, made two 3-pointers in the first half as the Silver Stars built a 19-point lead by the break. Alexis Hornbuckle had 11 points and seven rebounds for the Mercury, who have lost eight straight, dating back to July 1.
The 42-point margin surpassed an 89-48 loss to Seattle on July 19, 2002. MYSTICS 75, SKY 71, OT At Washington, Matee Ajavon scored 22 points and Jasmine Thomas made the go-ahead 3-pointer with 16 seconds left in overtime as Washington ended an eight-game losing streak against Chicago.
Crystal Langhorne had 18 points for the Mystics (5-16), who had lost two straight and played for the third time in four days since re turning from the monthlong Olympic break. Epiphanny Prince scored 18 points and her free throws with 26.7 seconds left in overtime put the Sky (8-11) up 71-70.
Thomas stepped up on the next possession and put Washington in front 73-71. Monique Currie made two free throws with 7.7 seconds left.
Sylvia Fowles had 13 points and 16 rebounds for the Sky, losers of six straight games.
At Minneapolis, Maya Moore scored 22 points as Minnesota clinched a playoff spot at the earliest point in franchise history.
Lindsay Whalen had 15 points and Seimone Augustus 14 as the Lynx (174) won their fourth straight. The defending champions didn't clinch a postseason berth until their 26th game last season.
Whalen also had four assists to pass Katie Smith for the franchise lead with 498. Glory Johnson led Tulsa (3-17) with 17 points.Q
Valverde wins 3rd stage, takes Vuelta lead
Spanish cyclist Movistar Team's Alejandro Valverde, left, heads for the winning line of the stage followed by Spain’s Lo Vuelta cyclist Kotusha’s Team's Joaquin Rodriguez, right, and Sky's Team's cyclist, Christopher Froome from Britain, in front of Saxo Bank’s Team's Alberto Contador from Spain, at the end of third stage, 96.49 miles, between Faustino V and Eibar, of the Spanish Vuelta cycling race that finished in Eibar, northern Spain, Monday, Aug. 20 , 2012 .
Associated Press
EIBAR, Spain (AP) — Alejandro Valverde at Mavistar taak the overall lead at the Spanish Vuelta an Monday after winning the third stage in a photo finish. Valverde edged fellow Spaniard Joaquim Rodri guez at the end of the 155-kilometer (96-mile) mountain stage from Faustino V to a summit finish in the Basque town of Eibar. “Both of us deserved to win,” Valverde said of Rodriguez, who looked like he was headed for victory when Valverde made his last push.
“At the end I was able ta came back and win,” he said. “He let up a little at the end and I managed to stick my wheel out in front.” Christopher Froome of Team Sky and Alberto Contador of SaxoBank were next, followed by a group of riders six seconds behind the four front runners who clocked a time of three hours, 49 minutes, 37 seconds.
Valverde, wha won the 2009 Vuelta before serving a two-year doping ban, took the red leader’s jersey with an 18-second lead over Movistar teammate Benat Intxausti. Rodriguez, Froome and Contador are all within six secands at Intxausti.
Cantador, wha returned from a doping ban earlier this month, tried to break free several times on the final climb, only to be followed by the other contenders.. □
AP source: Jaguars to play home games in London
Jacksonville Jaguars wide receiver Kevin Elliott (87) celebrates with teammates after scoring during the second half of on NFL preseason football game against the New Orleans Saints in New Orleans, Friday, Aug. 17, 2012. The Jaguars won 27-24.
Associated Press
— A person familiar with the situation said the Jacksonville Jaguars are go ing to play multiple hame games in London beginning in 2013.
The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the NFL and the team are waiting to announce the deal Tuesday in Jacksanville. The persan said the Jaguars will play a total at four home games in Landan, one each year between 2013 and 2016.
New owner Shad Khan has made it clear he wants to play games overseas in hopes of increasing the team's brand globally. He even mentioned it during his introductory news conference last year.
The St. Louis Rams had been scheduled tc play
a home game in Landan in 2013 and 2014, but they pulled out last week, citing a need to focus on lease negotiations and ease fan discontent.
Jacksonville wasted little time scaaping up the available games — plus same. Far Jacksanville Jaguars cornerback Aaran Rass, it means a return trip. The farmer New Yark Giants player spent a few days in London watching his wife, American runner Sanya RichardsRoss, win Olympic gold. Khan made a visit to the Summer Games, too, but his plan ta play averseas started long before that. Khan said last year he wanted to create an inter
natianal fan base for the Jaguars.
“The NFL is going to be developing an international fan base. Why shouldn't it be the Jaguars?” Khan said in December. “In all honesty, internationally, they don't know the difference between the Jaguars and the Steelers.”
Khan said the reason outgoing owner Wayne Weaver had been reluctant to play in London was because of “moveophobia,” the fear that fans would take it as a sign the franchise was in jeopardy of relocating. Khan is so confident things will work in Jacksonville that he has na cancerns about playing averseas.Q
Tuesday, August 21,2012
Garcia claims 2-stroke win at rainy Wyndham
JOEDY McCreary AP Sports Writer GREENSBORO, North Carolina (AP) — Sergio Garcia claimed a two-stroke victory Monday in the rain-delayed Wyndham Championship to earn his first PGA Tour victory since the 2008 Players Championship. Garcia finished with a 66 to wind up at 18-under 262 and claim $936,000 in prize money.
Tim Clark was at 16 under following his 67 in the final tour event before the playoffs, and Bud Cauley finished 15 under after his 68. Garcia led both after the third round and when the fourth round was held up overnight due to a persistent downpour.
He had three straight lateround birdies after a bogey briefly dropped him
into a tie for the lead, and cruised to his eighth career PGA victory.
Garcia began the decisive surge on the par-4 No. 13, plopping his chip roughly a foot from the flagstick and tapped it in for birdie.
He added another birdie on No. 15 — a pretty chip from a greenside bunker left him with a 5-foot putt — and followed that with another birdie on the par3 16th after his tee shot stopped closer than 2 feet from the stick. He added a birdie on No. 17 to move to 19 under, leaving his bogey on the final hole inconsequential.
It was a bit of redemption for the 32-year-old Spaniard, who in his last appearance in Greensboro in 2009 held a share of the lead after three rounds but let
Sergio Garcia, of Spain, kisses the Sam Snead Cup after winning the rain delayed Wyndham Championship golf tournament in Greensboro, N.C., Monday, Aug. 20, 2012.
Associated Press
Augusta National adds first 2 female members
At left, in a March 24, 2011 file photo, Darla Moore speaks to students at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, S.C.
At right, in a Jan. 24, 2008 file photo, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice smiles during a meeting with trade union leaders in Medellin, Colombia.
Associated Press
it slip away and finished in fourth place.
This time, he finished strong to give o huge boost to his candidacy for a spot on the European Ryder Cup team. The 10 automatic qualifiers will be set following the Johnny Walker Invitational with Jose Maria Olazabal making two captain's picks. In addition to the quests by players on both sides for Ryder Cup selections, much of the focus — as it always is at the tour’s annual lateseason stop in central North Carolina — was on the chase to make the FedEx Cup playoffs, which begin in a few days at The Barclays.
But everything wound up taking a bock seat to the weather, os heavy rains
dumped 5cm of water on the Sedgefield course on Sunday.
The final round was halted at roughly 1900 GMT with 38 players still on the course and seven players within three shots of Garcia. The decision came T/i hours later to hold off until Monday morning — the first Monday finish in Greensboro since 1983.
Clark, a South African and local favorite who played college golf at North Carolina State, matched Garcia at 15 under with a birdie on his third hole of the day, the par-4 No. 8. Garcia moved to 16 under with a birdie on the par-4 No. 11, but he gave that stroke back with a bogey on the next hole after missing a 10-foot
putt for par. Moments later, Chad Campbell joined them atop the leoderboard after his third consecutive birdie come on the 17th. Then Garcia made his big move. Among the playoff hopefuls. Heath Slocum played his way into The Barclays. His final-round 71 left him at 7 under for the tournament and pushed him to No. 124. He came in at No. 128. “Every little point helps, every little dollar helps,” Slocum said.
Jason Dufner could have taken over the top spot on the points list with a victory, but he finished five strokes back and wound up at No. 2 to Tiger Woods. He came in at No. 3, the highestranked player in the standing. □
NEW YORK (AP) — For the first time in its 80-year history, Augusta National Golf Club has female members.
The home of the Masters has invited former Secretary of State CondoleezzQ Rice and South Carolina financier Darla Moore to become the first women in green jackets when the club opens for a new season in October.
Both women have accepted. The invitations end a 10year controversy that began when former club chairman Hootie Johnson said the club would not be pressured “at the point of a bayonet” to change its all-male membership.
Augusta National chairman Billy Payne described Monday's announcement as a “joyous occasion” as he took the rare step of confirming its latest two members. He says it is a “significant and positive time” at the club. Augusta typically does not discuss membership.Q
Associated Press
Olympic champions Sanchez, James win in Austria
LINZ, Austria (AP) — Olympic champion Felix Sanchez of the Dominican Republic won the 400-meter hurdles at the Gugl Games on Monday, three days after he was beaten at the Diamond League meeting in Stockholm.
Kirani James of Grenada won the 400 meters in his first race since winning at the London Gomes two weeks ago.
Sanchez led the field from the start and finished in 48.13 to defeat Leford Green of Jamaica, who timed 48.89 in second place. Michael Tinsley of the United States, who beat Sanchez on Friday, took third in 49.49.
“Before Stockholm, I had too much traveling and too much parties,” Sanchez said. “I took some rest the last two days and felt pretty well again today."
Sanchez grabbed a national flag and ran a lap of honor — just as he did in London. “There is more about athletics than just start and finish,” Sanchez said. “You have to give the fans what they wont.” Jonathan Borlee of Belgium led the 400-meter race before Jones overtook him in the final 100 meters to finish in 44.46 seconds and beat Borlee by 0.64. Calvin Smith of the United States was 0.88 bock in third. □
Rays beat Greinke, complete 4-game sweep of Angels
Tampa Bay Rays second baseman Ryan Roberts, right, forces out Los Angeles Angels’ Erick Aybar (2) but cannot get the relay throw to first in time to get Angels’ Vernon Wells during the ninth inning of a baseball game in Anaheim, Calif., Sunday, Aug. 19, 2012. The Rays won the game 8-3.
Associated Press
ANAHEIM, California (AP)
— Matt Moore shrugged off home runs by Mike Trout and Albert Pujols to win his fourth straight decision os the Tompo Boy Roys completed o four-gome sweep of the fading Los Angeles Angels with an 8-3 victory on Sunday.
Tompo Boy tagged Zack Greinke (1-2) and outscored the Angels 3714 in the series — the Roys set o team record for runs in o four-gome set, erupting right offer Seattle’s Felix Hernandez pitched o perfect gome against them.
Ryan Roberts hit a two-run homer and Mott Joyce and Carlos Pena also drove in two runs apiece for the Rays.
Tompo Boy won the season series 9-1 for its best showing against the Angels in the club's 15-year history.
The Angels lost for fhe 13fh fime in 18 gomes overall. Moore (10-7) allowed fwo runs and five hits in 6 1-3 innings.
At Detroit, Nate McLouth hit o go-oheod, two-run triple os Baltimore rallied to beat Detroit.
McLouth, Nick Morkokis and Mark Reynolds each hod two hits for fhe Orioles, who hove won five of seven, including the lost two of the key weekend series at Detroit. Chris Davis homered for the second straight gome and J.J. Hardy hod o two-run double.
Baltimore leads Detroit by two gomes in the race for fhe second wild-card spof in fhe American League. Jhonny Peralta hit a threerun homer for the Tigers, who led 5-0 after the first inning. Doug Fister (7-8) allowed seven runs and eight hits in 3 2-3 innings.
YANKEES 4, RED SOX 1 At New York, Ichiro Suzuki homered twice and Hiroki Kurodo pitched eight innings of four-hif boll fo lead New York posf Bosfon. Derek Jefer hod fhree hits and scored twice for
the Yankees, who took two of fhree from Bosfon despife playing fhe enfire series wifhouf slugger Mark Teixeiro. The AL Eosf leaders won for the ninth time in 12 gomes, ending a two-year streak of fufility against Josh Beckett (5-11).
The right-hander was 5-0 in his previous seven starts against the Yankees since
losing to them on Aug. 8, 2010. He kept his team in the gome this time, but dropped to 0-4 in his post six outings overall. He is 1-7 in 13 starts since May 20 and has served up seven homers in his past three appearances covering 16 1-3 innings.
While Beckett has struggled when the Red Sox needed
him, Kurodo (12-8) has provided o major boost to the Yankees with oce CC Sobothio and veteran Andy Pettitte on the disabled list. The 37-year-old righthander, coming off o fwohit shutout against Texas, struck out four and walked none while reaching 100 pitches for the 11 th straight start. □
Roger Clemens returning to baseball with the Sugar Land
This Feb. 27, 2008 file photo shows Roger Clemens throwing a pitch during batting practice at the Houston Astros minor league spring training tacility in Kissimmee, Fla.
Associated Press
By KRISTIE RIEKEN Associated Press HOUSTON (AP) — Roger Clemens isn’f done wifh baseball quife yef.
The 50-year-old Clemens signed wifh fhe Sugar
Land (Texas)Skeeters of fhe independent Atlantic League on Monday and he is expected to start for fhe minor league feom on Sofurdoy of home ogoinsf Bridgeporf.
“His fastball was clocked at 87 mph; oil of his pitches were working," said Randy Hendricks, Clemens’ agent. “He threw o three-inning simulated gome after on extensive workout warmup."
Clemens and Skeeters manager Gory Goetti hove been talking about this “for monfhs," Hendricks said. Clemens is expected to discuss his decision Tuesday during o news conference in Sugar Land, about 20 miles southwest of Housfon. Clemens, who was ocquiffed in June of charges he lied fo Congress when he denied using performanceenhancing drugs, hosn’f played for o feom since pifching for fhe Yankees in 2007 of the age of 45. He went 6-6 in 18 gomes with o
4.18 ERA that season. Clemens hod two great seasons with the Astros after he turned 40, going 18-4 with o 2.98 ERA in 2004 to win his record-tying seventh Cy Young Award. He was 13-8 with o career-low 1.87 ERA in 2005. Clemens earned $160 million and won 354 games in o 24year career with the Red Sox, Yankees, Blue Joys and Astros.
His 4,672 strikeouts ore third-most all-time and he was named to 11 All-Star gomes. Now he’ll see what he has left for fhe Skeefers, who ploy in fhe Aflonfic League. He joins o rosfer fhof includes former major league pifchers Tim Redding and Scoff Kozmir and Jason Lone, o feommofe of Clemens’ on Housfon’s
2005 World Series feam. If isn’f clear how long Clemens will pitch for the Skeeters. “This is o one gome at o time thing,” Hendricks said. “Let’s see how he does on Saturday." Clemens was accused of using sferoids and HGH in fhe Mifchell Reporf on drugs in baseball, something he denied. The Justice Department began an investigation concerning whether Clemens had lied under oath, and in 2010 o grand jury indicted him on two counts of perjury, fhree counfs of making false sfofemenfs and one counf of obsfrucfing Congress when he fesfified during o deposifion and of o hearing fhof he never used any performance-enhancing drugs. □
NL Roundup
Tuesday, August 21,2012
Alvarez HR in 19th inning sends Pirates over Cards
Pittsburgh Pirates’ Pedro Alvarez gestures after hitting a solo home run off St. Louis Cardinals relief pitcher Barret Browning during the 19th inning of a baseball game on Sunday, Aug. 19,2012, in St. Louis. The Pirates won 6-3 in 19 innings.
Associated Press
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Pedro Alvarez homered in the 19th inning as the Pittsburgh Pirates won the longest game in the majors this season, outlasting the St. Louis Cardinals 6-3 Sunday. It took 6 hours, 7 minutes to tinish. Both teams scored a run in the 17th, and each club used eight pitchers. Alvarez hit his 23rd homer, a solo shot ott Barret Brawning (1-3). Andrew McCutchen added a two-run single later in the inning. Wandy Rodriguez (8-12), who was set to start for the Pirates on Monday night at San Diego, got the win with two scoreless innings of relief.
About 9,000 fans from the original crawd of more than 43,000 stayed until the end. This was the langest game by innings in the big leagues this year. At 6:07, it tied for the longest by time, matching a game between Baltimore and Boston on May 6. DIAMONDBACKS 8, ASTROS 1
At Haustan, the Astras lost in their first game under interim manager Tany DeFrancesco as Aaron Hill homered twice to give Arizona the win and a sweep.
DeFrancesco was the manager at Triple-A Oklahoma City befare being promoted. The Astros, with the worst record in the majors, fired Brad Mills late Saturday night.
Houston dropped its fourth straight and fell to 7-33 in its last 40 games.
Arizona won its ninth in a row against the Astras.
Hill, who connected for a three-run homer on Saturday night, kept going deep. He led off a fiverun fourth with a shot off Armando Galarraga (0-4) and added another solo homer in the eighth. Hill also doubled.
NATIONALS 5, METS 2 At Washington, Bryce Harper hamered and tripled, and Danny Espinosa alsa homered to lift Washington over New.
Gio Gonzalez (16-6) pitched into the sixth inning, allowing one run and seven hits. Tyler Clippard pitched a perfect ninth for his 27th save in 31 chances. Jeremy Hefner (2-5) tack the loss as the Mets fell for the ninth time in 13 games. DODGERS 5, BRAVES 0 At Atlanta, Chad Billingsley cambined with two relievers on a three-hitter to win
his sixth straight start, and Luis Cruz homered for the second game in a row as Los Angeles beat Atlanta. Mark Ellis drove in four runs, three with a bases-loaded
double in the ninth. Billingsley (10-9) gave up three hits in seven innings, striking out four and walking two.
Cruz homered deep into
the left-field seats in the fifth off Mike Minor (6-10) for a 1-0 lead.
REDS 5, CUBS 4 At Cincinnati, Xavier Paul led off the ninth inning with a pinch-hit triple and Ryan Hanigan followed with a single to lift Cincinnati over Chicago.
Paul lined the first pitch from Shawn Camp (3-6) over first base into the rightfield corner. Hanigan hit the next pitch tc left-center aver the drawn-in Chicaga autfield.
The National League Central-leading Reds toak three out of four from the Cubs and finished a 5-2 homestand.
PADRES 7, GIANTS 1 At San Diego, Clayton Richard pitched eight sparkling innings and Cameron Maybin drove in three runs as San Diego snapped a five-game losing streak by beating San Francisco.
The Giants dropped out of first in the NL West and trail the Dodgers by a halfgame heading into their big three-game series in Los Angeles. Madison Bumgarner is scheduled to face Dcdgers ace Clayton Kershaw in the apener on Monday night.Q
Columbus Crew midfielder Chris Birchall (8) and Houston Dynamo midfielder/forward Macoumba Kandji (9) battle for control of the ball during the first haif of an MLS soccer game, Sunday, Aug. 19, 2012, in Houston.
Associated Press
MLS Roundup
Carroll helps Union survive 1-1 draw with D.C. United
WASHINGTON (AP) — Brian Carrall scored early in the first half as the Philadelphia Union held off D.C. United for a 1-1 draw an Sunday in a Major League Soccer match that featured two disallowed goals and three ejections.
Carroll put the Union ahead in the eighth minute when he bundled the ball over the line after United’s Emiliano Dudar headed away a previous Philadelphia shat. D.C. equalized in the 71st on an own goal set up by Dwayne De Rosario's free kick. De Rosario also appeared to send D.C. into
the lead in an 87th minute from a penalty, but the attempt was ardered ta be retaken because of encroachment by another United player. D.C. midfielder Branko Boskovic was sent off for wrestling a Union player to the ground during protests that followed, and three minutes later De Rosaria sent the re-kick high. RED BULLS 3, TIMBERS 2 HARRISON, N.J. (AP) —Tim Cahill gat his first MLS gaal and Kenny Caoper also scored for New York, which rallied from a two-goal deficit in the first half at Harrison, New Jersey.
The Red Bulls remain the league’s aniy team unbeaten at home.
Bright Dike and Darlington Nagbe scored for Portland, which extended its winless streak to eight matches. DYNAMO 2, CREW 2 At Houston, Adam Moffatt scored in the 82nd minute to give Houston a draw with Calumbus.
Brad Davis alsa scared for Houston, which moved into a share at third place in the Eastern Conference with Chicago.
Cole Grossman and Eddie Gaven scored for the Crew.G
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Lunch workers study how to get kids to eat healthy
By KRISTEN WYATT Associated Press DENVER (AP) — There will be more whole grains on school lunch menus this year, along with a wider selection of fruits and vegetables and other healthy options. The challenge is getting children to eat them. “We don’t want healthy trash cans. We want kids who are eating this stuff,” said Kern Halls, a former Disney World restaurant manager who now works in school nutrition at Orange
must be nonfat, and there’s a ban on artificial, arteryclogging Irons fats.
At the conference. Halls demonstrated some
healthy recipes for curious cafeteria managers, joining White House chef Sam Kass to prepare a veggie wrap using a whole-wheat tortilla.
Halls’ main mission, though, was not pushing new recipes but teaching cafeteria managers marketing strategies used to great success by private-sector restau not know how to eat bonein chicken and need to see how a grown-up eats it before trying it themselves.
As the kids graduate to middle and high schools, and grown-ups in the cafeteria aren’t as welcome, schools can tap student ambassadors to be food coaches, perhaps asking the baseball team or a popular student athlete dish out veggies. Or, high school seniors might give underclassmen samples of a new vegetable coming
If brand-name prescription medicines cost you as little as generic pills, which wouid you choose? A few drugmakers are betting Americans will stick with the name they know — and can pronounce.
Coupons aiming to keep peopie off generic drugs
Diane Wagner, with Schwan Food Co., hands out sampies of food at a booth during the Schooi Nutrition Association conference in Denver. There are plenty of vegetables and other healthy options on school menus these days. The challenge is getting children to eat them.
(AP Photo/Ed Andrieski)
to the cafeteria.
School cafeterias also are using cutting-edge market research. They’re filming what kids eat, test-marketing new products before they go on the line and doing menu surveys to find out exactly what students think about a dish’s taste, appearance and temperature.
A Colorado State University professor studied the dining habits of kids in Loveland, Colo., with an eye toward measuring ways to get them to choose healthier foods. Leslie CunninghamSabo, who photographed “before” and “after” pictures of kids’ lunch trays, found that kids eat more fruits and vegetables if they have lunch after recess, instead of before recess. □
County Public Schools in Florida.
At a School Nutrition Association conference in Denver this summer, food workers heard tips about how to get children to make healthy food choices in the cafeteria.
The problem is a serious one for the nation’s lunch-line managers, who are implementing the biggest update to federal school-food guidelines in 15 years.
New Department of Agriculture guidelines taking effect this fall set calorie and sodium limits for school meals. Schools must offer dark green, orange or red vegetables and legumes at least once a week, and students are required to select at least one vegetable or fruit per meal. Flavored milk
rants and food producers. The first step, cafeteria workers were told, is to stop thinking of lunchtime as a break from academics, but a crucial part of a child’s school day.
“Your job is not to serve kids food. Your job is motivate kids to be adventurous and healthy eaters,” said Barb Mechura, head of nutrition services at schools in Hopkins, Minn.
Her school district recruited parent volunteers to be elementary-school “food coaches,” touring cafeterias and handing out samples of fruits and vegetables. The food coaches would also demonstrate eating them. Food coaching may seem silly, but kids who have had chicken only as nuggets or patties may
LINDA A. JOHNSON Associated Press
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — If brand-name prescription medicines cost you as little as generic pills, which would you choose? A few drugmakers are betting Americans will stick with the name they know — and can pronounce. They’ve begun offering U.S. patients coupons to reduce copayments on brand-name medicines getting their first generic competition to about the same as for the new generic drug. The medicines include staples in the American medicine cabinet — cholesterol fighter Lipitor, blood thinner Plavix and blood pressure drug Diovan — along with drugs for depression and breast cancer.
Pfizer Inc. tested the new trend last year and now offers copay coupons that can bring insured patients six of its medicines for as little as $4 a month out of pocket. That includes Lipitor, which was taken by more than 3.5 million Americans until generic competition arrived last Nov. 30. Experts predict more drugmakers will do the same for some of their big sellers, as the companies weather big revenue drops from an unprecedented wave of patent expirations.
The trend is the latest attempt by drugmakers to hold onto business at a time when they are increasingly under siege. Drug companies including Pfizer, Merck & Co. and Bristol Myers-Squibb Co. are squeezed by rising research costs, the weak global economy and pressure from Europe, China and elsewhere to reduce drug prices.
They haven’t been able to come up with enough new drugs to replace revenue from an unprecedented number of blockbusters, drugs with annual sales topping $1 billion, that are losing patent protection. The industry has shed tens of thousands of jobs in the last several years to compensate for that revenue loss, but for some that hasn’t been enough to keep profits from falling.
So they’re trying a new tactic to temporarily slow the loss of billions of dollars in sales to new generic competition. “It’s not a game changer, but with drug sales every little bit helps because they’re so high on profit margin,” says Les Funtleyder, health care fund manager at private equity fund Poliwogg. “It’s good for consumers, because they don’t bear the cost and they can stay on the brand.”
Developing drugs is very expensive. It requires up to a decade of laboratory research and then patient testing, costing $1 billion or more, to win government approval to sell a drug. In return, the drug’s maker gets the exclusive right to sell the drug for about 10 to 15 years, until the patent expires.
Continued on Page 27
Tuesday, August 21,2012
New role for drones - wildlife, eco conservation
In this March 1, 2012 photo released by ConservationDrones. org., a drone developed by conservation drone pioneer Lion Pin Koh of the Swiss Federai Institute of Technoiogy and partner Serge Wich is shown in Zurich, Switzerland.
Associated Press
DENIS D. GRAY Associated Press PRANBURI, Thailand (AP)
— They're better known as stealthy killing machines to take out suspected terrorists with pinpoint accuracy. But drones are also being put to more benign use in skies across several continents to track endangered wildlife, spot poachers and chart forest loss.
Although it's still the “dawn of drone ecology,” as one innovator calls it, these unmanned aerial vehicles are already skimming over Indonesia's jungle canopy to photograph orangutans, protecting rhinos in Nepal and studying invasive aquatic plants in Florida. Activists launched a longrange drone in December to locate and photograph a Japanese whaling ship as the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society attempted to block Japan's annual
whale hunt in Antarctic waters.
Relatively cheap, portable and earth-hugging, they fill a gap between satellite and manned aircraft imagery and on-the-ground observations,
says Percival Franklin at the University of Florida, which has been developing such drones for more than a decade.
“The potential uses are almost unlimited,” says Ian Singleton, director of the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program, testing drones this year over Indonesia's Tripa peat forest where fires set by palm oil growers are threatening the world's highest density habitat of the great apes. Conservation is one of the latest roles for these multitaskers, either autonomously controlled by onboard computers or under remote guidance of a nav igator. Ranging in size from less than half a kilogram (pound) to more than 18 metric tons (20 tons), drones have been used for firefighting, road patrols, hurricane tracking and other jobs too dull, dirty or dangerous for piloted craft. Most prominently, they have been harnessed by the U.S. military in recent years, often to detect and kill opponents in America's “war on terror” in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere.
A conservation drone pioneer. Lion Pin Koh of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, says the idea came to him after another sweaty, jungle slog in Sabah, Malaysia, hauling heavy equipment for his field work.
“I told my assistant, who happened to be my wife, ‘Flow wonderful it would
be if we could fly over that area rather than walk there again tomorrow,”' recalled the Singaporean expert on tropical deforestation, and a model plane hobbyist. Unlike eco-drones in the United States, mostly custom-built or commercial models, Koh last year cobbled together a far cheaper, off-the-shelf version that poorer organizations and governments in the devel oping world can better afford.
Fie and partner Serge Wich bought a model plane
— some are available in China for as little as $100
— added an autopilot system, open source software to program missions, and still and video cameras. All for less than $2,000, or ten times cheaper than some commercial vehicles with similar capabilities.Q
OnLive game streaming company says it will live on
vestment in OnLive. Described as a threat to companies selling traditional packaged video
er expanded to more devices, including tablets and smartphones. It also created an OnLive Desktop
Today, the company says it has more than 1.5 million active users, but this has not been enough to sup pany, also called OnLive. One of the old OnLive's early investors, Lauder Partners, is the first investor in
This product image provided by OnLive inc, shows tabiets dispiaying a variety of games using the OnLive game controiier.
Associated Press
By Barbara Ortutay AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) - OnLive, the video game streaming startup that was full of promise when it was unveiled three years ago, has reorganized its business and cut roughly half of its staff amid financial difficulties. But it says it will continue to operate under the same name and customers should not see a change in their service.
Analysts said OnLive was spending too much money and didn't have enough paying users. Late last week, OnLive went through a complex bankruptcy alternative. The process, called “assignment for the benefit of creditors,” allows it to continue operating its service. But employee stock options and investments from outsiders became worthless. FITC Corp., the Taiwanese mobile phone maker, said it expects to book a loss of about $40 million for its in games when it burst onto the gaming scene in 2009, OnLive offers video games streamed over an Internet connection, similar to how Netflix offers streamed movies and TV shows. OnLive began offering game streaming to computers in early 2010 and lat service to let you do something similar with a suite of Windows-based Microsoft Office programs.
OnLive was founded by technology entrepreneur Steve Perlman, who had worked on developing the technology for seven years before launching OnLive.
port what it pays for servers and data centers.
OnLive's board of directors said in a statement Sunday that it was faced with “difficult financial decisions” before it decided on the restructuring. On Friday, OnLive's assets were acquired by a newly created com the new OnLive. Its other investors included AT&T Inc., FITC and Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. AT&T declined to comment and Warner did not immediately return a message for comment. Autodesk Inc., another investor, also declined to discuss the development.^
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Stocks slip in one of year’s quietest trading days
BERNARD CONDON AP Business Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks slipped Monday in one of the quietest trading sessions of the year. Worries about European debt crept up again, and Apple became the most valuable company of all time.
The Dow Jones industrial average fell 3.56 points, or 0.3 percent, at 13,271.64. The Standard & Poor’s 500 fell a sliver, 0.03 point, to 1,418.13. The Nasdaq composite index fell 0.38 point to 3,076.21.
With many traders and investors on vacation, volume on the New York Stock Exchange was light, just 2.7 billion shares traded. The average this year is about 1 billion more.
In a monthly report, the German central bank reiterated doubts about having the European Central
Bank buy bonds to help struggling European economies. It stressed that such purchases could carry “substantial risks."
Earlier this month, stocks rallied after ECB President Mario Draghi said the bank might buy bonds of some European countries to lower their borrowing costs. German Chancellor Angela Merkel also seemed to soften her stance on the idea.
“We're getting mixed messages at best coming from Europe," said Jim Russell, chief equity strategist at U.S. Bank Wealth Management. “Investors are on the sidelines, and they're still a little scared.”
Apple, the most valuable company in the world, became the most valuable in history. It hit a market value of $623 billion, surpassing Microsoft's record from
1999. Apple is worth almost twice as much the next most valuable company, Exxon Mobil.
Apple stock rose $17.04, or 2.6 percent, to $665.15. Stocks had been inching up for six weeks. On Friday,
both the Dow and the S&P closed just below four-year highs.
Monday’s drop was the 11th trading day in a row of moves of less than 1 percent for the S&P, according to FactSet, a financial
Apple employees welcome hundreds of customers In front of the Apple store at a shopping mall in Oberhausen, western Germany. On Monday, Aug. 20, 2012, Apple set a new record for the most valuable company at $621 billion, beating Microsoft's 1999 high. US stocks siipped Monday in one of the quietest trading sessions of the year.
(AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
Wal-Mart revives layaway for holiday purchases
STEPHANIE CLIFFORD © 2012 New York Times
For the second year in a row, WalMart, the nation’s biggest retailer, will offer a layaway program for holiday purchases.
Echoing Wal-Mart executives' comments last week that American consumers are still worried about their finances, the company also said it would add an extra month to the program so shoppers have more time and paychecks - to pay for their items on layaway.
“Our customer was saying if they had two more paycheck cycles, that re ally would be helpful for them," said Duncan Mac Naughton, chief merchandising and marketing officer for Wal-Mart U.S.
The company had gotten rid of layaway from 2006 to 2010, when the economy was much stronger and shoppers did not seem to need to delay paying for holiday gifts. With layaway, a store sets aside a product and allows a customer to pay over time for it. It lets people on tight budgets afford more expensive items than a single paycheck might allow, since they can make a dent in the payments whenever their paychecks
Last year, Wal-Mart brought the program back.
“Our customer continues to be concerned with unemployment and underemployment,” Mac Naughton said.
“They're concerned about the expenses they're paying every day gas prices have recently gone up.” Executives cited layaway as one of the reasons its holiday sales last year were relatively strong, and an executive at Target, a major competitor, said the layaway offering at Wal-Mart was hurting Target.Q
data provider. In same period last year, amid fears the U.S. would default on its debt and a possible second recession, the S&P moved up or down by 1 percent or more roughly every other day.
Other stocks moving sharply Monday included Lowe's, the world's No. 2 home improvement store. It missed earnings expectations and lowered its outlook for the year. The stock fell 6 percent.
The health insurer Aetna announced it would buy Coventry Health Care for $5.7 billion as the insurance industry realigns itself to better navigate the health care overhaul. The deal follows the $4.46 billion buyout last month of another insurer by WellPoint Inc., and last year's acquisition worth nearly $4 billion by Cigna of HealthSpring as it grabbed for a share of Medicare revenue.
Best Buy slid 10 percent after rejecting an offer from its founder and largest shareholder to take the electronics retailer private. The company named Hubert Joly, the former head of global hospitality company Carlson and a turnaround expert, as CEC Monday. Facebook gained 96 cents, or 5 percent, to $20.01, following a slide last week after some insiders were able to sell stock for the first time since the company's public trading debut in May at an offering price of $38. □
Tuesday, August 21,2012
Apple sets record for company value at $623B
CME Group sets its sights on London
CHiCAGO (AP) — The largest U.S. futures exchange operatar, CME Graup Inc., is setting its sights cverseas. The Chicago-based company said Monday it is in the process of applying with United Kingdom regulators to create a London-based derivatives exchange that will initially start trading foreign exchange futures products.
If approved, CME Europe Ltd. is expected to launch mid-2013.
Already, more than 20 percent of CME Group Inc.’s business volume comes from Europe. Having an exchange in London will allow the company to better align itself with customers there, according to CME’s executive chairman and president Terry Duffy.
The CME Graup runs futures exchanges where investars can trade an agricultural commodities, energy, metals and other investments. It was formed from the 2007 merger of two of Chicago’s largest futures exchanges, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicaga Beard of Trade.
The new exchange will challenge more established Eurapean futures exchanges Liffe and Eurex, which are operated by NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Boerse, respectively. CME’s move is the latest in the world of financial markets, which has undergone a profound transformation in the past decade. Today, the value of outstanding derivatives contracts has surpassed by many times the value of traditional financial products like stocks and bonds. A push from regulators across the globe to move more derivative trades onto exchanges and make the markets more transparent has apened even bigger appartunities far established players. Germany’s Deutsche Boerse and New Yark’s NYSE Euranext have both built highly profitable businesses out of this trend and today own Europe’s biggest derivatives exchanges. □
PETER SVENSSON Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Apple is the world’s most valuable company, ever.
On Monday, its surging stock propelled the company’s value to $623 billion, beating the record for market capitalization set by Microsoft Corp. in the heady days of the Internet boom. Apple’s stock has hit new highs recently because at aptimism around what is believed to be the impend
NEW YORK (AP) — Shares at U.S. airlines gained Manday follawing a successful attempt to raise fares ta caver the rising cost of fuel. Southwest Airlines Go. raised fares Friday on short routes by $10 per round trip, and several large airlines quickly matched the increase. The fare hike applied to flights of less than 500 miles (800 kilometers) each way, or about onethird of Southwest’s routes. Just two days earlier. Delta Air Lines dropped a fare increase at up ta $10 per round trip on certain lastminute ticket purchases because other airlines didn’t follow suit.
Southwest carries a lot of influence in fare sales because while ether airlines fly mare miles, Sauthwest carries mare passengers within the U.S. than anyone. It’s also the largest discaunt carrier by far, sa it can easily impact the decisions of its competitors. Many at
ing launch cf the iPhcne 5, and passibly a smaller, cheaper iPad.
Apple Inc. has been the world’s most valuable company since the end of last year. It’s now worth 53 percent more than No. 2 Exxon Mobil Corp.
Apple’s stock hit $664.74 in midday trading befare retreating slightly ta $663. That was $14.98, ar 2.3 percent, higher than Friday’s clase.
Microsoft’s 1999 peak was
tempts to raise prices dcn’t stick because Southwest doesn’t play alang. Including the latest fare increase, JP Margan analyst
Jaime Baker said the airlines have been successful in four out of eight attempts this year.
And he expects the airlines
$620.58 billion, according to Standard & Paar’s.
The comparisan to Microsoft does not take inflation into account. In inflation-adjusted dollars, the software giant was worth about $850 billion on Dec. 30, 1999. Microsoft is now worth $257 billion.
Analysts believe Apple’s stack has room to grow. The average price target of 38 analysts palled by FactSet is $745.80.
Apart from the iPhone and
ta keep trying. That’s because costs for fuel are gaing up. Also, reductions in flying are giving the airlines more of an upper hand to
(AP Photo/Julio Cortez)
hike fares because there are fewer available seats to match demand. Investors were also likely spurred to buy because of
“mini iPad," analysts are speculating that Apple plans to make a TV set ta complete its suite of consumer electronics products. Apple usually doesn’t comment on its future product plans until a few weeks or days before a launch. China’s largest ail campany, PetroChina, was briefly worth $1 trillion after it listed an the Shanghai stack exchange in 2007, but aniy based on its price on that exchange.Q
offset fuel
a flurry at stock purchases by tap executives at United and Delta, signaling that insider’s view the stacks as a gaad value and see room to grow.
In afternoon trading. Southwest shares rose 3.6 percent, or 33 cents, to $9.46. United Airlines parent United Continental Holdings Inc. rose 5.6 percent, or $1.04, to $19.43. Delta gained 3.4 percent, or 31 cents, to reach $9.44.
US Airways Graup Inc. rose 5 percent, or 51 cents, to $10.59. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants said Sunday that the best course for American Airlines is a merger with US Airways, after the union announced that American flight attendants appraved a contract with their airline that includes a number of concessions. US Airways has been pushing for a merger with AMR Corp., the parent company of American Airlines, for months. □
Insurer Aetna to buy Coventry in $5.7 billion deal
TOM MURPHY AP Business Writer
Aetna, one of the biggest U.S. health insurers, claimed a bigger stake in the burgeoning market for government-funded coverage Monday when it announced plans to buy a leading pravider of Medicaid and Medicare coverage for $5.7 billion.
The Hartford, Connecticut, company’s proposed acquisition of insurer Coventry Health Care will bolster
its Medicaid business a few months before millions of people are expected to become eligible for the state- and federally-funded program for the needy and disabled under President Barack Obama’s massive health care overhaul.
It also will boost the company’s portian at business tram the federally-funded Medicare program, which covers seniors over age 65 and those who are disabled, at a time when inter est in these plans is grawing in part because the baby boomers are aging. The deal underscores the major changes taking place in the health care industry as a result of the landmark overhaul.
It marks the second time since the Supreme Court upheld the law in June that a big insurer has snapped up a smaller campany focused on government coverage.
Last month, WellPoint Inc.,
which offers Blue Cross-Blue Shield plans in 14 states, announced a $4.46 billion deal to buy Amerigroup Corp., and more acquisitions are likely. Aetna is the nation’s third-largest health insurer based on enrollment, trailing only UnitedHealth Group Inc. and WellPoint.
Coventry, a smaller insurer, is one of the leading praviders at both Medicaid and Medicare-based coverage. □
Airline stocks rise on fare hikes to
An airplane lands at Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark. Shares of U.S. airlines gained Monday, Aug. 20, 2012, following a successful attempt to raise fares to cover the rising cost of fuel.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
6 Chix
Mother Goose & Grimm
Baby Blues
Difficulty Level ★ ★
Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Sudoku increases from Monday to Sunday.
1 Pains
6 Title for former Iranian leaders 10 Grand home run with bases loaded
14 Diagram
15 Refer to
16 Singer Perry
17 “Winnie-thePooh” author
18 Region
19 Perched upon
20 Make weak 22 Commendable
24 Drove too fast
25 Old folks
26 Inn
29 Explorer _de Leon
30 Self-esteem
31 Passenger 33 Noted English
racecourse 37 Actor Alan 39 Alleviates
41 Lawn mower brand
42 _ the way; pioneers
44 Jewish scroll
46 Distance around a track
47 Glens 49 Liquor
container 51 Local yokels, often
54 Greek cheese
55 Mistreats
56 Speck
60 Ulna or femur
61 Pierce
63 Actress Pompeo
64 Trip stumble on
65 British peer
66 Noise
67 Bunks and cots
68 Heat in the microwave
69 Lock of hair
1 High point
Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews
Monday’s Puzzle Solved
(c) 2012Tribune Media Services, inc. Ail Rights Reserved.
2 Goatee’s place
3 _-quart; pint
4 Mr. Hemingway
5 More difficult to climb
6 Burn with liquid
7 Bring on board
8 Gobbled up
9 Paradise
10 Most terrifying
11 Game of chance
12 Love, in Paris
13 Is sullen
21 Misrepresent
23 Peruvian Indian
25 More tender to the touch
26 Cure
27 Womanizer’s glance
28 Ice cream fountain order
29 Mexico’s currency
32 Palm tree fruits
34 Young horse
35 _ surgeon; tooth extractor
36 Drink too much 38 Counselors 40 Fencing sword 43 Hold on to 45 Most scorching 48 Diminish
50 Clothing alterer
51 Bigwig
52 Higher than
53 _ out; paid no mind to
54 Fictional story
56 Yosemite National _
57 Helpful hint
58 Part of the eye
59 Abolishes 62 Greek “T”
Continued from Page 22
That allows the companies to recoup those costs and hopefully turn o profit.
After that, generic copycats sold by other companies flood the market, costing just o fraction of the brand-name drug's price. Generic drugs are chemically identical to the original brand-name ones, and work the same in nearly all patients. But their names ore chemical terms unpronounceable for most patients. Generic Plavix, for example, is called clopidogrel bisulfate.
Often, one generic drugmaker has the exclusive right to sell its copycat version for the first six months after the branded drug’s patent expires. In those coses, the generic’s price is only about 25 percent lower than for the branded drug. Other times, there are multiple generics right away. Either way, once several generics are on sale, their prices usually plummet to about 90 percent below the brand-name price. Nearly all patients then switch to a generic. Brand-name drugmokers soy they don’t just cut their prices when generics arrive because insurance plans would get all the benefit. Coupons instead give loyal patients savings of as much as $100 a month — often even if they don’t have insurance. That makes the brand more affordable for patients who want to stay on it.
For example, a month’s supply of brand-name Lipitor costs about costs about $175 without insurance. For insured patients, the copayment is typically $25 to $50, well above the average copayment of about $10 a month for a generic drug.
Under Pfizer’s Lipitor For You coupon program, Pfizer absorbs up to $75 of the patient’s out-of-pocket cost. Insured patients pay only $4 a month — less than a generic drug copayment — unless their copayment is higher than $79 a month; the insurer pays the remaining cost. Uninsured patients get the $75 off each prescription and then pay the remaining $100 or so.
Tuesday, August 21,2012
Drug manufacturers have begun offering U.S. patients coupons to reduce copayments on brand-name medicines getting their first generic competition to about the same as for the new generic drug.
While the deal slashes Pfizer’s profit, the company still makes more money than it would if all its customers defected from Lipitor to a generic. Ian Read, CEO of New York-based Pfizer, recently said the strategy an Lipitor alone brought the company hundreds at millians of dollars in extra profit. He called the program “a great success."
The coupons only work with private insurance, though. Patients with Medicare or other government health insurance are barred from using them.
Not surprisingly, commercial insurers don’t like the coupons, because their
share at the cast far a brand-name drug is much higher than for a generic pill. Virtually all prescription plans automatically switch patients to a new generic drug the next time they refill their prescription, and they usually bumped brandname drugs that have just gatten generic competition up to the plan’s highest copayment level, which can be $75 or more.
The coupons throw a wrench into insurers’ strategy of getting as many patients as possible to take generic drugs, which acccunt for about 80 percent of all prescriptions filled in the U.S. □
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Astronauts go spacewalking to hang station shields
be installed during a previous spacewalk in February, but got put on hold when other work ran long. The pieces were hauled up by the now-retired space shuttles. Armor is needed to reinforce the Russian segment, which unlike the U.S. compartments, arrived without the proper protection already in place. Such shielding is crucial given the booming threat of space
In this still image made from video provided by NASA, o Russian cosmonaut installs shields to protect against zooming pieces of junk to improve the safety of his orbiting home Monday, Aug. 20, 2012.
Associated Press
junk; even a tiny scrap can inflict damage.
A 46-foot (14-meter) crane, meanwhile, needed to be moved from one spot on the Russian portion of the space station to another, in advance of the arrival of a new chamber a year or two from now. The astronauts used a companion crane for the job.
And the 20-pound (9-kilogram), 1.7-foot (1/2-meter)diameter research satellite hurled by Padalka will orbit for about three months before burning up in the atmosphere, allowing Russian
engineers to track its movement as part of a study on space junk.
This was the ninth spacewalk for Padalka and the fifth for Malenchenko. It was overseen from Moscow and went so well that flight controllers added some extra chores for the two. The only snag was an experiment that wouldn’t close properly for retrieval; the spacewalkers were told to leave it outside.
“Five hours did you say?” one of the spacewalkers asked at the five-hour mark. “Oh, we can stay for
another hour, what do you think?”
“That’s it,” Mission Control replied. The two were urged to “marvel at the world around you” before taking some pictures and calling it quits. The spacewalk lasted six hours.
An American and a Japanese astronaut will venture out next week on a NASAdirected spacewalk. Spacewalks are no longer commonplace, now that the space station is virtually complete and running fairly trouble-free. It is home to six astronauts. □
Legendary expedition ship found off Greenland
STOCKHOLM (AP) — A U.S.based oceanographic institute says it has found the wreckage of a ship that was manned by a crew of doomed Antarctic explorers more than a century ago.
The Schmidt Ocean Insti tute says that in July its researchers discovered the S.S. Terra Nova using echo sounders off the southern coast of Greenland, where the ship sank in 1943 after being damaged by ice. Built in the late 19th century, the S.S. Terra Nova gained
fame by taking the explorer Robert Scott and a crew to the Antarctic in 1910 in an effort to become the first to reach the South Pole.
Scott and several of his men froze to death in 1912 during their march to the earth’s southernmost point.Q
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MARCIA DUNN AP Aerospace Writer CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP) — Spacewalking astronauts improved the safety of their orbiting home Monday by installing shields to protect against zooming pieces of junk. Gennady Padalka and Yuri Malenchenko hung the panels on the Russian side of the International Space Station, after moving a bulky crane and tossing overboard a small spherical satellite.
The Russian spacewalking powerhouse — the two have 14 spacewalks between them — kept going even after Mission Control in Moscow advised them to take a break S'A hours into their six-hour excursion.
They surged ahead despite a late start to Monday’s spacewalk, the first at the space station in six months. A leaky valve somewhere on the Russian side forced the crew to reopen the air lock and check the seals to ensure a tight fit, before Padalka and Malenchenko could go out. Padalka assured flight controllers they were in no rush, but admitted it was “kind of boring” to wait an extra hour.
The five l-inch(2.54-inch)thick micrometeorite debris panels were supposed to
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Tuesday, August 21,2012
‘Top Gun’ director left behind notes to loved ones
CHRISTOPHER WEBER Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — Tony Scott, director ot such Hollywood hits os “Top Gun,” "Days of Thunder” and “Beverly Hills Cop II,” died after jumping from a towering suspension bridge spanning Los Angeles harbor and leaving behind several notes to loved ones, authorities said.
The 68-year-old Scott’s death on Sunday was being investigated as a suicide, Los Angeles County Coroner's Lt. Joe Bale said. “I can confirm that Tany Scott has passed away. The family asks that their privacy is respected at this time,” Scatt’s spakesman, Simon Halls, said in a statement.
An autopsy was scheduled for Monday, coroner’s Chief of Operations Craig Harvey said. He said investigatars located several notes to loved ones that Scott left in his car and at anather location, but that they were nat described in initial reports as suicide notes.
He said Scott parked his car at the crest of the bridge, which is 185 feet above water, before leaping to his death. Several people called palice araund 12:35 p.m. to report that sameane had jumped from the Vincent Thomas Bridge spanning San Pedro and Terminal Island in Las Angeles Harbor, according to police Lt. Tim Nordquist.
A dive team with Los Angeles Port Police pulled the body from the murky water several hours later, Nardquist said. Scatt’s body was taken ta a deck in Wilmingtan and turned aver to the county coroner’s office.
One lane at the eastbound side of the bridge was closed to traffic during the investigation. Cargo vessels moved at reduced speeds through the east side of the port’s main channel during the search, said Los Angeles Fire Department spakesman Brian Humphrey.
The British-barn Scott, who lived in Beverly Hills, was producer and director Ridley Scott’s younger brother. Dis
‘Indiana Jones' star Karen Allen goes off-Broadway
MARK KENNEDY AP Drama Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Karen Allen, who romanced Indiana Jones, has been lured back to the New York stage.
Allen, perhaps best known for her role in the first Indiana Jones film and the recent sequel “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” will star in the American premiere of Jon Fosse’s “A Summer Day.” The Rattlestick Playwrights Theater praduction begins perfarmances Oct. 10 at the Cherry Lane Theatre. The six-person play is set in two time periods in the same idyllic house.
Allen has lately made her base in western Massachusetts, where she teaches theatre at Bard Callage and sells handmade knitware.
Last year she directed Michael Weller’s “Moonchildren” at the Berkshire The
In this Sept. 14, 2010 file photo, actress Karen Allen poses for a portrait to promote the film “White Irish Drinkers” at the Toronto International Film Festival, In Toronto.
Associated Press
atre Festival. Her film roles include “Animal House,” "Starman,” "In the Bedroom” and “The Perfect Stcrm.”
Fosse’s plays include “Scmeone is Going to Come,” "And We’ll Never Be Parted,” "Night Sings Its Songs,” "The Guitar Man,” and “Dream of Autumn. ”□
In this Oct. 26, 2010 file photo, director Tony Scott arrives at the premiere of “Unstoppabie” in Los Angeies. Authorities say Scott died after jumping off a bridge in Los Angeies on Sunday, Aug. 19 , 2012 .
Associated Press
find visual styles mark both siblings’ films — Ridley Scott mastering the creation of entire worlds with such films as “Gladiatar,” "Blade Runner,” "Alien” and this year’s “Prometheus,” Tony Scott known for hyper-kinetic action and editing on such films as his most recent, the runaway train thriller “Unstoppable,” starring regular collaborator Denzel Washington.
Scott was a thrill-seeker himself in his persanal life.
an avid rock climber who also liked driving fast cars and motorcycles. Still, filmmaking was his real thrill. “The biggest edge I live an is directing. That’s the most scary, dangerous thing you can da in yaur life,” Scott said in an interview far his 1995 naval adventure “Crimson Tide.” "The scariest thing in my life is the first morning of production on all my movies. It’s the fear of failing, the loss of face and a sense of guilt that every body puts their faith in you and not coming through.” Tony was the first of the Scott brothers to enjoy blockbuster success with “Top Gun,” starring Tom Cruise, the top-grossing film of 1986 at $176 millian. Scott teamed with Cruise again faur years later on the hit “Days at Thunder.” He also had a sequel to “Top Gun” in development.
But Ridley Scott later managed more and bigger hits than his brother and earned a level of critical respect never achieved by Tony Scott.
“Gladiator” won the bestpicture Academy Award far 2000 and earned Ridley Scott one of his three bestdirector nominations; Tony Scott never was in the running for an Oscar, and critics often slammed his movies for emphasizing style over substance.
Even Scott admitted that it was a challenge ta infuse drama into some of his scenarios — for example, cars racing in circles in “Days at Thunder.” In an interview for that 1990 summer hit, Scott was blunt about where some of the ideas came from. □
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Watchdog: More implied nudity on prime-time TV
Humorist Phyllis Diller dies at 95 in Los Angeles
In this May 17, 1999 file photo, Phyllis Diller laughs in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. Diller, the housewife turned humorist who aimed some of her sharpest barbs at herself, died Monday, Aug. 20, 2012, at age 95 in Los Angeles.
Associated Press
Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — A watchdog group soys broadcast television is implying o lot more nudity in prime time than it used to.
The Parents Television Council said Monday that its researchers found 76 instances where o person appeared nude, with private parts obscured, in prime time last season. It happened on 37 different shows.
The group soys that’s a sharp rise from the 15 instances the networks aired the season before that. Examples include a couple skinny-dipping on ABC’s “The Bachelor,” Howie Mandel jokingly appearing nude in his dressing room
NEW YORK (AP) — Rosie O’Donnell soys she suffered o heart attack last week and is “lucky to be here.” The 50-year-old comedian detailed the experience on her blog Monday, saying sudden nausea, aches and other symptoms pushed her to do an online search for “women’s heart attack symptoms.” She took a few aspirin and went to a cardiologist the next day.
at NBC’s “America’s Got Talent” and o naked man jumping out of a cor trunk in the candid camera show “Betty White’s Off Their Rockers” on NBC.
In each case, the full nudity is obscured by pixilation or strategically placed objects.
“It’s a lot more suggestive than we’ve seen in the past,”
said Melissa Henson, spokeswoman for the group.
The parents group, which also monitors language and sexually suggestive content on broadcast television, said it will complain about the development to the Federal Communications Commission. □
She says an artery was 99 percent blocked and a stent was inserted. O’Donnell writes in a kind of verse on her blog. She says: “Know the symptoms ladies/ listen to the voice inside/ the one we all so easily ignore.”
The comedian recently hosted “The Rosie Show” on the Oprah Winfrey Network. It was canceled in March. □
SANDY COHEN Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — Phyllis Diller, the housewife turned humorist who aimed some of her sharpest barbs at herself, punctuating her jokes with her trademark cackle, died Monday morning in Los Angeles at age 95.
“She died peacefully in her sleep with a smile on her face,” her longtime manager, Milton Suchin, told The Associated Press.
Diller suffered a near-fatal heart attack in 1999. The cause of her death has not been released.
She was a staple of nightclubs and television from the 1950s — when female comics were rare indeed — until her retirement in 2002. Diller built her stand-up act around the persona of the corner-cutting housewife (“I bury a lot of my ironing in the back yard”) with bizarre looks, a wardrobe to match (by “Omar of Omaha”) and a husband named “Fang.”
Wrote Time magazine in 1961: “Onstage comes something that, by its own description, looks like a sackful of doorknobs. With hair dyed by Alcoa, pipe
cleaner limbs and knees just missing one another when the feet are wide apart, this is not Princess Volupine. It is Phyllis Diller, the poor man’s Auntie Marne, only successful female among the New Wave comedians and one of the few women funny and tough enough to belt out o ‘standup’ act of one-line gags.”
“I was one of those lifeof-the-party types,” Diller told The Associated Press in 1965. “You’ll find them in every bridge club, at every country club. People invited me to parties only because they knew I would supply some laughs. They still do.”
She didn’t get into comedy until she was nearly 40, after her first husband, Sherwood Diller, prodded her for two years to give up a successful career as an advertising and radio writer. Through it all, she was also a busy mother.
“We had five kids at the time. I don’t how he thought we’d handle that,” she told the AP in 2006.
A Chicago Tribune columnist, describing her appearance at a nightspot there in 1958, noted she was from
San Francisco, hailed her as “the weirdest, wildest yet” — and made sure to mention her five youngsters.
Her husband managed her career until the couple’s 25-year marriage fell apart in the 1960s. Shortly after her divorce she married entertainer Warde Donovan, but they separated within months.
Through both marriages and other relationships, the foibles of “Fang” remained an integral part of her act. “Fang is permanent in the act, of course,” she once said. “Don’t confuse him with my real husbands. They’re temporary.”
She also appeared in movies, including “Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number” and “Eight on the Lam” with Bob Hope.
In 1966-67, she was the star of an ABC sitcom about a society family trying to stave off bankruptcy, “The Pruitts of Southampton.” Gypsy Rose Lee played a nosy neighbor. In 1968, she was host of a short-lived variety series, “The Beautiful Phyllis Diller Show.”
But standup comedy was her first love, and when she broke into the business in 1956 it was a field she had largely to herself because female comics weren’t widely accepted then. Although she could be serious during interviews, sooner or later a joke would pop out, often as not followed by that outrageous “AHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA-HAHA-HA!” laugh.
“It’s my real laugh,” she once said. “It’s in the family. When I was a kid my father called me the laughing hyena.”
Her looks were a frequent topic, and she did everything she could to accentuate them — negatively. She wore outrageous fright wigs and deliberately shopped for stage shoes that made her legs look as skinny as possible.
“The older I get, the funnier I get,” she said in 1961. “Think what I’ll save in not having my face lifted.”□
Rosie O’Donnell suffers heart attack, gets stent
In this April 11, 2011 file photo, television personality Rosie O’Donnell attends the New York Women in Communications’ 2011 Matrix Awards in New York. O’Donnell said on her blog, Monday, Aug. 20, 2012, that she’s “lucky to be here’’ after suffering a heart attack last week.
Associated Press
From The New York Times IEday Augus.212012
Beware A Beautiful Calm
MAUREEN DOWD © 2012 New York Times WASHINGTON - What happens when you realize you are the machine you’re raging against? Tom Morello, the Grammy-winning. Harvard-educated guitarist for the metal rap band Rage Against the Machine, punctured Paul Ryan’s pretensions to cool in a Rolling Stone essay rejecting R&R (Romney ‘n’ Ryan) as R&R (rock ‘n’ roll).
“He is the embodiment of the machine that our music has been raging against for two decades,’’ Morello writes, adding: “I clearly see that Ryan has a whole lotto ‘rage’ in him: A rage against women, a rage against immigrants, a rage against workers, a rage against gays, a rage against the poor, a rage against the environment. Basically, the only thing he’s not raging against is the privileged elite he’s groveling in front of for campaign contributions.’’
In my experience, when a presidential candidate needs some outside force to animate him Michael Dukakis needed Kitty, Bob Dole needed C-Span, Willard needs Paul - it spells doom. The fresh Gen X vice-presidential contender - like Sarah Palin, he favors the exclamation “awesome’’ - has had mixed reviews in his debutante cotillion. Howard Fineman wrote in The Huffington Post that “Ryan turns out, upon closer inspection, not to be a purifying ideologue, but rather a young, power-hungry, ladder-climbing trimmer.’’ The self-styled deficit cutter backed W.’s deficit-exploding agenda, and the tut-tutting critic of the Obama stimulus grabbed for the president’s stimulus money. Neocons and Tea Partyers, however, continued to rhapsodize. Grover Norquist told Bloomberg’s Al Hunt that Ryan would be the Dick Cheney of economic and tax policy. And that’s a compliment.
The comparison is apt. Ryan looks like a bonus Romney son, as Dan Quayle did with Bush senior. Republicans find the tableau of two rich white guys - same shirts, different generations - comforting. With W. and Cheney, the usual order switched and the vice-presidential candidate played the role of surrogate dad.
Where Ryan is like Cheney is in tone: At first blush, the Wisconsin congressman emanates a thoughtful, reassuring reasonableness, talking to reporters and sometimes Democratic lawmakers. Cheney’s deep voice, like the headmaster of a boys’ prep school, seemed moderate and measured, too.
at first. But it is deceptive. Both men are way, way out there.
It is, to use a phrase coined by French doctors, la belle indifference, or “the beautiful calm’’ of hysterical people. But the closer you look, the uglier it gets.
Just as Cheney, hunter of small birds and old friends, once defended cop-killer bullets and plastic guns that could slip through airport metal detectors, so Ryan, deer hunter, championed concealed guns and curtailing the background check waiting period from three days to one.
Just as Cheney was always willing to cough up money to guerrillas in Nicaragua and Angola but not to poor women whose lives were endangered by their pregnancies, so Ryan helped pay for W.’s endless wars while pushing endless anti-abortion bills, like one undercutting an exemption from the ban on using federal money for abortions in cases of rape or incest, and narrowing the definition of rape to “forcible rape.’’
What on earth is nonforcible rape? It’s like saying nonlethal murder. Why redefine acts of aggression against women as non-acts of aggression?
Even Catholic bishops, who had to be dragged toward compassion in the pedophilia scandal, were dismayed at how uncompassionate Ryan’s budget was. Mitt Romney expects his running mate to help deliver the Catholic vote and smooth over any discomfort among Catholics about Mormonism. (This is the first major-party ticket to go Protestant-less.) Yet after Ryan claimed his budget was shaped by his faith, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops deemed it immoral.
“A just spending bill cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor and vulnerable persons,’’ the bishops wrote in a letter to Congress.
The Jesuits were even more tart, with one group writing to Ryan that “Your budget appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.’’ The nuns-on-the-bus also rapped the knuckles of the former altar boy who now takes his three kids to Mass. As Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of the Catholic social justice group Network, told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, it’s sad that a Catholic doesn’t understand that “we need to have each other’s backs. Only wealthy people can ever begin to pretend that they can live in a gated community all by themselves.’’
Even Ryan’s former parish priest in Janesville weighed in. Father Stephen Umhoefer told the Center for Media and Democracy, “You can’t tell somebody that in 10 years your economic situation is going to be just wonderful because meanwhile your kids may starve to death.’’ Beyond the even-keeled Ryan mien lurks full-tilt virulence. A moderate demeanor is not a sign of a moderate view of the world.Q
Dark Road To The White House
CHARLES M. BLOW © 2012 New York Times
Shady money, voter suppression, shifting positions, murky details and widespread apathy.
If there is a road map for a Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan win in November, that’s it. Distasteful all. As The New York Times reported this week, Paul Ryan made the trip on Tuesday to kiss the ring of Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire casino owner who has pledged to spend as much as $100 million to defeat President Barack Obama. No reporters were allowed in, of course.
As The Times’s editorial page pointed out on Friday:
“Last year, his company, the Las Vegas Sands Corp., announced that it was under investigation by the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission for possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - specifically, that it bribed Chinese officials for help in expanding its casino empire in Macau. Later, the FBI became involved, and even Chinese regulators looked askance at the company’s conduct, fining it $1.6 million for violating foreign exchange rules. The Times reported on Monday.’’
There was a saying I heard growing up in Louisiana: “Bad money doesn’t spend right.’’
On Wednesday, a judge in Pennsylvania who is a Republican refused to block a ridicu lously restrictive. Republicanbacked voter identification law from going into effect in the state, which is a critical swing state. Surprise, surprise.
And to add insult to injury. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Friday: “On the same day a judge cleared the way for the state’s new voter identification law to take effect, the Corbett administration abandoned plans to allow voters to apply online for absentee ballots for the November election and to register online to vote.’’
Corbett is Tom Corbett, the Republican governor of the state. In June, state Rep. Mike Turzai, a Republican and the Pennsylvania House majority leader, ripped the veneer off the purpose of the voter changes in the state when he declared, “voter ID, which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania: done.’’
Angry yet? Well wait, there’s more.
As has been well documented, Romney has flip-flopped on many of the major positions he once held: abortion, taxes, guns. Now his vice-presidential pick, has traded his wingtips for a pair of toe-splitters.
Thursday, as Think Progress pointed out, Ryan adopted Romney’s position on China’s currency manipulation and stealing of intellectual property, saying: “Mitt Romney and I are going to crack down on China cheating and make sure trade works for Americans.’’
However, as Talking Points Memo reported: “Ryan has consistently opposed measures to crack down on China’s currency manipulation practices, which tilt the playing field against American labor.’’
Furthermore, The Boston Globe reported Tuesday: “In 2009, as Rep. Paul D. Ryan was railing against President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package as a ‘wasteful spending spree,’ he wrote at least four letters to Obama’s secretary of energy
asking that millions of dollars from the program be granted to a pair of Wisconsin conservation groups, according to documents obtained by The Globe.’’ Even so, Ryan denied the fact in an interview with a Cincinnati TV station on Thursday, saying, “I never asked for stimulus.’’
Ryan later recanted. In a statement, he said of the letters: “They were treated as constituent service requests in the same way matters involving Social Security or Veterans Affairs are handled.’’ It continued: “This is why I didn’t recall the letters earlier. But they should have been handled differently, and I take responsibility for that.’’
Oops! Paint a scarlet “H’’ on that man’s chest for hypocrisy. Romney, for his part, has consistently resisted specifying what he would cut to get to the balanced budget that he promises, and he continues to resist calls to release more tax returns.
“Mitt Romney said on Thursday that he had not paid less than 13 percent of his income in taxes during the past decade,’’ The Times reported. But are we supposed to take his word for the rate being even that high? Absolutely not!
Show, don’t tell, sir.
America, this is the Republican ticket. Although most smart political observers currently have Romney losing the Electoral College, Romney, following this repulsive road map, is virtually tied with Obama in national polls of likely voters.
That is, in part, because of apathy. As USA Today reported, the 90 million people who are unlikely to vote in November prefer Obama over Romney by 2 to 1, and “they could turn a too-close-to-call race into a landslide for President Obama but by definition they probably won’t.’’
If this underhanded dirty dealing by the Republican ticket doesn’t jolt some of these unlikely voters into likely ones, I don’t know what will. □
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Creative sand castles, as ephemeral as sea foam
Jennifer Catron, center, and Paul Outlaw, top left, take port in their winning design in the Creative Time sandcastle competition on Rockaway Beach in New York, Aug. 17, 2012. More than a dozen artists participated in the competition sponsored by the public arts organization.
(Michael Appleton/The New York Times)
MELENA RYZIK © 2012 New York Times NEW YORK - In the annals of things that have turned up on the shore in Rockaway Beach in Queens, haircuts and bowling are probably not unheard-of. But rarely are they as artistically minded as what Dustin Yellin prepared.
With a few helpers Yellin, a Brooklyn artist, dug adjoining trenches on a stretch of sand on Friday afternoon at Beach 86th Street. In one, decorated with an assortment of fashiony images, a guy with a shaggy hairdo snipped willing participants: beachfront beauty salon. In the next trench kids rolled a ball at a half-dozen two-liter soda bottles, painted white to resemble pins. “Bowl cuts,” a sign announced jauntily. The wink was implied.
Along with more than a dozen other swimsuit-clad artists, Yellin was selected to participate in the inaugural sand castle building contest organized by Creative Time, the public arts organization. For several hours, as a crowd grew on the boardwalk, the artists dug and piled and smoothed, making pieces from conceptual to representative and building mostly with sand and water. It wasn't quite the Biennale, but this showdown did have some
bragging rights. Prizes were awarded after the threehour competition, and there was the judgment of beachgoers. (“Should we bet on this?” one man asked his friends.)
The contest first came to Creative Time as an idea for Art Basel Miami Beach. But then, said Anne Pasternak, the president and artistic director of Creative Time, the organization realized that sand and surf were equally accessible in the Rockaways, where a sand-castle competition seemed like a no-brainer. “I thought, ‘Why hasn't anybody done this already?' ” she said, standing on the boardwalk afterward. David Selig, an owner of Rockaway Taco, helped secure permits for the contest and the burger joint Rippers for an after-party, and Creative Time put the call out to artists, who were so eager to participate that Pasternak thought it might become an annual event. “We like to poke fun at ourselves, and this is about as ephemeral as art can be,” she said, looking out over the sculptures, which were to be stomped or filled in by nightfall. But many of the artists took the task seriously. William Lamson, whose work often involves the environment, spent a week refining his design, which was inspired by a gravel cylin der he saw in a Japanese temple. His towering cone of sand came out perfectly, and for good reason: He did a trial run on the beach a few days before. When that 5-foot template collapsed, Lamson, in a panic, called for expert advice.
“I just Googled ‘sand castle makers,”' he said. The pros he contacted were a bit confused by his project. “They make, like. Jeeps," Lamson said. “They do stuff in malls." But their advice, to use more water, held.
On competition day there
were close calls but no major meltdowns, as a barechested man with a red visor and a megaphone, a swipe of sunscreen on his nose, provided color commentary.
“Dear God, what do I see before me?” he said as he strolled the roped-off competition area. “The Colosseum, with strange Devo hats surrounding it.” The artist at work, Marie Lorenz, cracked up. She was inspired by the Roman Colosseum, she said, because it seemed safer to start with a ruin. She and her friends wore togas for the judging. A few feet away members of the art-architecture group Snarkitecture followed a printed schematic as they built a giant pile of sand - the biggest pile, they hoped - and carefully inserted clear plastic tubes through it. Their aim was to be able to see through the sand. It worked, or at least it was fun to try.
Kenya Robinson dug a pit and plopped herself and two friends in it, where they painstakingly wove strings around themselves, a beach game of cat's cradle. Robinson explained that the piece was called “Female Prostate."
“I like holes and string,” she said.
“Who doesn't?” the color commentator replied. He
was Nato Thompson, chief curator of Creative Time. As a narrator he had the timing and vocabulary of an art-world Zach Galifianakis. “Who is this squat, enigmatic figure in front of me, whose face looks like a” bottom? he said, peering at an Aztec-ish sculpture by Laura Wasserson and Amit Greenberg. “Um. Good job? It's moving along." Nearby some kids did their own digging, inspired by Tom Sachs' installation: a deep pit beneath a handpainted sign that read “China,” with an arrow pointing down. But they were also minicritics: They summarily suggested that Sachs, the hardware-loving artist, was cheating by using a pump to vacuum water out of his pit. Sachs scoffed at this notion. “What do you mean, ‘fair'?” he asked, as he fiddled with an attachment for his hose. “It wasn't a rule. Why you got to be like that?”
There were no rules, and no criteria for determining winners, although whimsy, technique and public response all played a part. Ryan McNamara was judged first, because his installation - in which two people were immobilized by wooden boards and pounds of sand - seemed to be rapidly endangering the health of his volunteers. □
Marie Lorenz constructs a model of the Roman Colosseum for her entry in the Creative Time sandcastle competition on Rockaway Beach In New York, Aug. 17, 2012. More than a dozen artists participated in the competition sponsored by the public arts organization.
(Michael Appleton/The New York Times)