1. How to Avoid a Genetic Arms Race - The Hastings Center
16 apr 2024 · A quiet biological revolution in warfare is underway. The genome is emerging as a new domain of conflict.
Breakthroughs in our ability to change the genes of organisms are generating novel capabilities for biological weapons, a form of warfare that has been largely abandoned for decades. Guidance from scientists and bioethicists is needed to avert the threat.
2. Mitigating Risks from Gene Editing and Synthetic Biology: Global ...
16 okt 2024 · Rapid advances in bioscience and bioengineering hold immense promise for human betterment. But as these disruptive technologies become more widely distributed.
Rapid advances in bioscience and bioengineering hold immense promise for human betterment. But as these disruptive technologies become more widely distributed, their inherently dual-use nature and susceptibility to unintended consequences could create unprecedented dangers.
3. Zombie apocalypse? How gene editing could be used as a weapon
15 nov 2021 · A gene-edited pathogen designed to turn us into zombies – ghost-like, agitated creatures with little awareness of our surroundings.
It has been over a year since the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. And perhaps the most important lesson is that we were completely unprepared to face the debilitating virus.
4. The genes that made us truly human may also make us ill - BBC
22 nov 2023 · The changes in our genes since our ancestors and apes evolved from a common ancestor helped us develop bigger brains and upright walking.
The changes in our genes since our ancestors and apes evolved from a common ancestor helped us develop bigger brains and upright walking. But did they also have a downside?
5. Ancient DNA helped us uncover the Iberian lynx's potential secret ...
24 sep 2024 · Research into the vulnerable Iberian lynx reveals surprising insights into its genetic history.
Research into the vulnerable Iberian lynx reveals surprising insights into its genetic history.
6. China's “Gene War of the Century” and Its Aftermath - PubMed Central
Following the successful cloning of genes for mostly rare genetic diseases in the early 1990s, there was a nearly universal enthusiasm that similar ...
Following the successful cloning of genes for mostly rare genetic diseases in the early 1990s, there was a nearly universal enthusiasm that similar approaches could be employed to hunt down genes predisposing people to complex diseases. Around 1996, ...
7. Top U.S. Intelligence Official Calls Gene Editing a WMD Threat
9 feb 2016 · Genome editing is a weapon of mass destruction. That's according to James Clapper, U.S. director of national intelligence, who on Tuesday, ...
Easy to use. Hard to control. The intelligence community now sees CRISPR as a threat to national safety.
8. [PDF] Human genetics after the bomb - History and Sociology of Science
9 okt 2015 · Also important to our understanding of post-war genetics and genomics is the network of evolving relationships between aca- demic scientists, ...